My 4-H courage speech

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All our dreams can come true, if we have the power to pursue them- Walt Disney. Walt Disney, in my opinion, was a very courageous man. He created Mickey Mouse, the ones your parents used to watch, and still love. I believe he was courageous because he created his dream, with his hands, with his brain, and by doing what other don't have the courage to do. This, shows great signs of a courageous man. 

So,what exactly is courage? My sources tell me that its ;  A quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. Sure, its facing danger,and all those basics they've been telling you about since kindergarten, but what is it really? Me, personally I think courage is lots of things. Like, for example when you tell a lie, or make a mistake, that could get you in trouble or make you lose some friends, its admitting to it. Even when everyone sits there and stares at you like sad little puppy dogs.

Most of your family's will have an example of courage somewhere throughout them.  I have an example, last year in my school's spelling bee, we had lots of people in 4th and 5th grade competing. Sure, i was nervous, but I didn't continuously stutter, or get scared and just didn't answer. I tried my best, and stood in front of lots of people, and did the best I could. Lots of people did that also actually And, almost all of us will stand up here and give our speech's today. 

Why do we need courage? Courage is a skill that will help you lead a great life. Its also a lot like persevering. But, lets stay on courage. You show signs of courage each today, and so does our teacher. Its,surprisingly an important skill.Your 4-H instructor has courage, they give speech's everyday, just not like this. They give speech's about how to do this usually. So, to wrap it up, all of us should know that courage is a skill that you should have. It will come in as a very handy tool throughout your lives,like I said. Well guys, I hope you learned something after this speech. And, I know that there's been times in ALL of our lives that we've shown courage. So thanks for listening Remember, Courage doesn't always have to be big, but it does improve you as a human being. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2012 ⏰

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