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Hey guys, was up the name's moon, austin moon internet sensation, soon to be known worldwide, anyway before all that happens i have to go to school and get an education in music and other stupid stuff. so here we are at highschool and if your thinking ' is it the type of highschool that has singing and dancing all the time' a no there is no sining and dancing unless theres a school talent show and we have to do some lame project for music. i know what your sayin ' he's austin moon he should love music,everyother fanfiction iv'e read he loves music' well in this one i love music a little bit but i don't like to sing all the time, i'm not saying i have stage fright im just afraid i might lose my beautiful voice. ' la la la la' ( your best manly singing voice) anyway enough about me let's get to school i'm already late.


" coming " i yell down the stairs trying to put my pants on. once i finally get my pants on i open the door to see dez standing there " hey austin " he says " hey dez, have you seen my back pack ?" i ask him " no, aren't you going to invite me in " he says " oh yeah come in" i say looking for my backpack " dez what time is it " i ask him " it's 7:40 " he says, then i finally find my backpack and say " we have 40 mins to get to school" i said " let's go then " he tells me and just as were walking out the door my mom comes out of the kitchen and asks me " austin wait do you have your project for biology?" she asks " yes " i say " do you have tyour english homework " she asks " yes" i answer " do you have shoes ?" she asks " yes " i answer " no you don't " she say " yes i do, now i have to go " i say " look down " she says " why " i ask " cmon we have to go mrs.moon" dez says " just look at your feet " my mom says and i do and i see i have no shoes on just socks " oh crap my shoes " i say and drop my back pack and race up strairs, halfway up my mom yells " i have your shoes right here austin " " oh thanks mom " i say and race back down put my shoes on then give my mom a kiss on the cheek " thanks mom "i say and race out the door " what time is it now dez " i ask dez " it's 8:00" he says " step on it " i say and we race out of the drive way and to school but halfway to school the police catch us speeding so we pull over and wait " so what's the rush today sir " he asks dez " me and my friend are about to be late for school sir " dez says "well theres no need to rush it's only 8:01 " the police officer says " were late " dez and i say at the same time " ok ok here's your ticket and don't speed" says the officer gives us the ticket and walks back to his sqaud car " go " i say " but on the speed limit " and dez slowly drives off.


once dez and i get out the car we race into the building and bump into a security guard " you boys are late again " he says obvioulsly annoyed with us " it wasn't my fault it was austin's " dez says " he made us late " " dez " i say " lunch detention both of you and this is the 5th week you've been late. don't let it happen agian or else afterschool detention " he pauses then says "for the both of you " he says writing us detention slips " now get going " he says and we run to first hour. once in first hour we burst through the door saying " sorry were late " and the teacher says " oh your not late, your just in time for my lecture" he says" ugh " dez and i both say "please take your seats " he says and we sit down. once we got through the rest of the mourning and lunch it was time for music (my all time fav subject) so dez and i walk in and take our seats ( dez and i have 1st hour and 4th our together everyday) once we sit down i see two girls walk in, one had brown hair and the other had black hair ( it's trish and ally) and i watched them walk in and take thier seats right in front of me and dez " alright class today you will choose a song and partner to sing with or if you choose to sing by yourself you may, and two weeks from now you and your parter will sing for the class oh and this is for a grade so if you sing this is 90% of your grades, so kids with F's in this class this is a great oppritunity to bring up that grade and i know you kids are all great singers." he said and he went on with the class.

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