Tony Stark - She's a Killer

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My long auburn hair flowed around my shoulders as I walked into Stark tower. I was wearing a below the knee length white dress which had lace covering my torso and shoulders along with a large slit on the right side of the dress. I had only one job get in, kill my target and get out before anyone noticed. This wasn't just any job, it was the biggest one yet. Lets just say my target wasn't afraid of people knowing his name. If you haven't guessed, the guy i'm supposed to kill is Tony Stark.

I immediately head for the bar and order my signature drink, gin and tonic. As I sit down and take a sip of my drink I scan the room looking for Tony and luckily for me he catches my eye.

The party was loud, there had to be at least a couple hundred people here. With everyone chatting the noise would seem overwhelming, well it would if this wasn't something you did on a regular basis. This was my third job of the week. I'm one of the best at what I do, which leads me being assigned to high class clients. This means I don't just kill petty gang members instead, I take care of the rich and famous killing anyone from drug cartel leaders to even hero's like Mr Stark himself. The one good thing about my job was they always had great alcohol wherever you went.

I was sipping my drink when there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around only to find who I had hoped it would be.

"Well hello there," He purred, "why's a pretty lady like yourself siting all alone?"

"Well, this pretty lady is enjoying the free alcohol." I smirked.

He chuckled before saying, "Your my type of girl then," and I couldn't help but smile. "Waiter get me a scotch and another glass of whatever the lady's having."

The waiter comes back with another round of drinks when Tony starts talking again.

"I don't believe I caught your name?"

"That's because I didn't give it too you." I take a sip of my drink and Tony smirks at my response. "Its Y/n."

"Well it's nice to meet you Y/n." He smiles and so do I.

We talk for what seems hours, and we really clicked. Usually by now I would have already killed my target, but something seemed different with him.

As it got later and later the party finally came to a close. Somehow I ended up doing something I really shouldn't have.

Tony and I stumbled down the hallway as the kissing intensified. I push closed the door to Tony's room with my foot as we both kick off our shoes. The kissing never stops as i'm pushed up against the wall. His hands trail across my figure which sends shivers down my spine.

I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be doing this.
                                    But I can't stop...

Tony reaches behind me and unzips my dress as I pull it off. Tony throws his shirt somewhere and we connect our lips again. My hands quickly undo his belt and he takes his pants off. We move to the bed, we never break apart. His hands easily undo my bra strap and he tosses it onto the floor. Tony then starts trailing kisses down my neck and I can't help but sigh.

What are you doing Y/n! Your supposed to kill him not sleep with him! Snap out of it now!

My hands trace his toned muscles loving the feeling of his skin on mine. He stops kissing and nibbling my neck and looks up into my eyes. My breath hitches in my throat as I stare into his hazel eyes, and I can't help but fall deeper into them. I cup his face and we kiss. I remove my underwear and so does he.

As i'm sure you can imagine what happens next...

Tony lies down beside me, both of us out of breath, only the sound of panting could be heard. I laid there for a little bit considering how I was going to do this.

"I suppose I should get going then." I sit up and swing my legs over the edge of the bed.

"Wait... stay... please." I turn around to see the pleading look in Tony's eyes. Something I never thought I would see, especially from him. "There's something different about you, y-your genuine and smart and extremely beautiful and I don't want to let you go." And for the second time that night i'm breathless, did he really just say that?

Oh my god, i'm  falling for Tony fricking sTARK. WHAT??

I smile at him, "Move over." And he couldn't help but grin in response. I lay down next to him and he wraps his arm around me and we lay there, cuddling.

"You're not what I expected..." My hand moves a piece of hair out of his face. He pulls me closer and I close my eyes content with the feeling of being in his arms. Time seemed to stop, it was as if this was the perfect moment in time. Nothing could be heard other then the sound of our soft breathing, and for a moment I forgot the reality that I had to face.

But it doesn't last long, as I wait for his breathing to slow down and his eyes to flutter shut. I slip out of his warm and inviting grasp and quickly start throwing my clothes on. I tie my hair up and walk over to his desk and turn on his computer. I grab my hair clip which is a hidden USB. I quickly download all the information I need and put the USB back in my hair. But, I can't help but feel sad. I had a connection with someone, someone who cared for me even if it was just for a night. And yet, I couldn't stay with it, I couldn't stay with him.

I walked over to the bed sighing and hating what I had to do next. I climb onto the bed straddling his waist. I unsheathe the knife strapped to my thigh and hold it above his heart. I take a deep breath thinking about everything that had happened.

You can do it Y/n, it's just another job...
But it's not... He cares about me,

'There's something different about you, your genuine and smart and extremely beautiful and I don't want to let you go...'

Who knew one line could change the way you think or feel about someone.

As I clutch the knife I can't help but think, I don't want to let him go...

"Fuck." I curse, I grab the USB and attach it to the knife before angrily stabbing it into the wall above Tony's sleeping form. I cup the side of his face,

"I'm sorry..." My voice comes out barely above a whisper.

I lean down and kiss his soft lips,

"I'm so sorry."

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