the encounter

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Hello everyone! I have a good feeling about this story and I hope that it really is giod haha. Enjoy reading everybody! Don't forget to support if you like this story ;)


"Mum! Come on! Faster!" Alian shouted while standing infront of the door of the train. Alian and his mother are Filipinos but are often mistaken for a Chinese, Japanese, korean and south American speacially Alian.

They are going to his sister's place in Verona for his niece's first birthday.

Alian's lower body is inside the train while the higher part is out the door. Finally Alians mother, Teresa, arrived and entered the train.

Alian and his mother are searching for their seats. When they found their seats, someone was already sitting there so Alian talked to the the couple that sitting in their seats.

In Italian

"excuse me, uhm, this is our seats". "oh, sorry" the guy and the girl with him stood up and walked away.

Alian and his mother sat and just relaxed on their trip to Verona. Alian just continues to eat, use his phone, sleep or read a book while his mother also eats a little bit, reads a pocket book and sleeps as well.

Alian is waking her mother up because the next station is Verona. They started getting ready to get off the train.

When Alian and his mother got off the train someone called their name.

"Mom! Alian!" They both turned around and saw Maris, Alians older sister. With her is her daughther, Lyka; and his husband George.

After arriving in Maris's house, Maris offered some snacks. Teresa is eating her snack while playing with her very cute granddaughter. While everyone is in the living room, Alian decided to go to The House of Juliet, the place where Letters to Juliet was made.

"Mum, Sis, I'll just go to Juliet's house" "will you be okay on your own?" His mother asked. "Don't worry about him Mum. I'm going to the Market to buy some yeast so I'll just accompany him there and get him on my way back" Maris said while wearing her jacket at scarf. "Ok then" Teresa agreed and went to the kitchen to help George at cooking, leaving Kyla to play alone with her toys.

Alian and Maris said Ciao to everyone and went out. Maris and Alian arrived in front of Juliette's house and parted ways.

"I'll be back quickly so don't go anywhere"

"Even if I want to I can't cause I might get lost, haha"

"Haha, bye Alian. Wait for me in here, ok?"

"Ok sis"

Juliet's house is usually crowded but it is quite spacious at the moment. Alian is so amaze to see millions of letters sticked to the wall. After seing a little bit, Alian decided to go back just in case her sister is already arriving. While walking, Alian felt something cold. He thought that it might be raining outside and that Juliet's house has a hole where the rain passes. Alian looked up and then a drop of water fell on Alian's cheeks. When Alian looked up, he saw a very cute and adorable little boy fairy that was crying. The little fairy noticed that Alian was looking at him but just to make sure flew back and forth to see if Alian will follow him even if it's just his eyes. After flying back and forth, Lalli, the fairy has confirmed that he can be seen by Alian.

Lalli flew down with innocent eyes and stopped in front of Alian's face.

"Can you really see me?" Lalli asked cutely and Alian slowly.

"a-are you a fairy?"

Lalli smiled and flew up and kept shouting while Alian was just looking at him. After flying and shouting, Lalli once again stopped in front of Alian's face with a huge smile.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Lalli, a love fairy!"

"A, I'm Alian, nice to meet you too."

"I'm curious, how can you see me? We were always told no human could ever see us fairies. So why is it that you can see me?" Such a lively question for a very adorable little fairy that was just crying few moments ago.

"I don't know either.. But, why were you crying awhile ago?" Alian asked with a worried face and sticked both of his palms so that Lalli could sit on them.

Lalli sat on Alian's palms with a very sad face that looked like he would be crying anytime soon. Alian leaned on the wall where there was lot's of letters and told Lalli that maybe he could help him in some ways. Lalli looked to Alian's face and started talking.

"Well you see, i ruined 4 peoples lives. I was trying to help them have chances to confess their feelings but I only caused more problems for them. If only they could see me like you do, maybe, maybe, maybe I can right all the problems i made." after finishing, lalli started crying.

"Is that so? Maybe if you bring me to them, maybe I could help solve the problems so that you won't have to worry anymore." What Alian said just made Lalli very happy.

"Let's go now then!" Lalli flew up and made a yellow light from his hands. "Are you ready!? Let's go!" Lalli said cheerfully and shoot his magic to Alian which made him enter the light Lalli made and fall.

"Wait! I still have to go to my niece's birthday partyyyy!" It was already late for Alian for he was already falling inside of Lalli's magic.

"I should go now as well!" While Lalli was waving his hand for another magic, he suddenly lost consciousness and fell. While lalli was falling a man came and caught him. "Such a powerfull child" after saying his line, he quickly flew to somewhere.

The man carrying Lalli quickly went to their land's town hall where the hospital is also located. while the man was walking an elder came and greeted the man.

"Goodmorning Lance, who is that child and what's wrong with him?"

"Goodmorning elder. i think this child is just unconscious and needs a good rest."

"I see, let's bring him to the clinic then"

"As you wish Elder"

The Elder turned and walked away and Lance quickly followed. Lance Laid Lalli into the bed and soon Elder asked what has happened.

"What happened to that child to be that tired?"

"I saw him use teleportation magic on a human"

"A human you say? Then it really would have used all of his energy. But for a child to have such power, he must be very special"

"I agree. but I'm curious as to how that human was able to see Lalli. Isn't it impossible for humans to see fairies?"

"We only said that humans aren't capable of seeing us because only few people that exist in this world could see us. I'm sure that they were fated to meet. Let's leave there for now. Why don't we have some tea at the moment?"

"Ofcourse Elder"

The Elder was very friendly ehile talking to Lance. Lance and the Elder had their tea in the clinic in case Lalli wakes up.

On a Lake was a floating body and it belongs to Alian. A man saw Alian and quickly dove to save him. The man quickly gave Alian a CPR and It was successfull; Alian spitted all the water and was concious for a few seconds. The man carried Alian to a cottage that was just near by.

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