Innocent people

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A bitter cold gust of wind blasts my face as a thick blanket of fog covers the city. I look back behind me to see the building I had just come out of, it was a tall black building with shiny glass windows. All of a sudden I hear a deafening scream; the scream looked like it was coming from my right. I look to see a middle aged woman with black hair on the ground with a bunch of guards surrounding her. I heard her yell that she wouldn't put the microchip in her arm. She started to struggle, trying to wriggle out of the guards hold but it was no use, there was one of her and six of them. I heard another deafening sound but this time it wasn't from the lady but from a 22 caliber pistol. I felt tears running down my eyes, the thing that shocked me was that I witnessed something completely unimaginable. I look at the pool of blood that seemed to get bigger and bigger every second. None of the guards seemed to care that they just killed an innocent person, one of the guards even started to burst into laughter. There were more than a hundred people in the town including me yet none of us stood up to the guards afraid that we might lose our own lives. I observed the crowd, everyone looked shocked, many people cried but in silence because we were all too afraid of death. Jen my classmate from school was apart of the crowd, her long brown hair tied up in a bun. Jen's blue eyes were filled with tears as she saw the lady being tossed in the back of a truck like a piece of rubbish.

Five minutes had passed since the middle-aged lady had been killed and everyone seemed to have gone about their normal routines, I looked over at Jen who was now sitting at a bench which was beside her, she was still in tears. I debated whether to go and comfort her. I know that she has been through a lot and that she has every reason to be disturbed considering that both her parents disappeared along with my mum. I finally decided to go ahead and comfort her. As I walked up to her she looked up at me with a huge grin on her face even though I knew that deep down she was troubled. I sat down next to her and asked her if she was alright, she looked at me with tears filling up her eyes again but instead of answering, she pulled me closer to her and hugs me. At this point I didn't know whether I should pull myself away or embrace it. I take a quick whiff of the air and all I could smell was her candy perfume that she was wearing, I knew that it was the right thing for me to hug her back. She pulls herself away and so do I and she seemed to have stopped crying. She explained to me how much she hated this new government, how we all had to get microchip implanted in are stupid hands and how we were all technically servants under the governments control. As she spoke I could feel the anger in her voice building up with every sentence. Once she finished letting her anger out, I look at her with complete astonishment and silences. With great determination in her voice she fills up the silence by saying that the both of us should team up and stop the government from controlling us. She looks up at me and tells me that we needed to get our life back to the way it was. I was completely flabbergasted, I tried to tame my laughter but it just burst out of my mouth like when you constantly blow a balloon and when the balloon finally bursts. I asked her in-between laughs if she wanted to go against the government and finally get killed just to get are normal lives back, now she was grinning, she answered me with a big confident YES. I started yelling that she is crazy and that it was never going to work but she didn't take no for an answer. After I finally calm down Jen starts making a deal with me, why the heck was she making a deal with me when she knew that my answer will absolutely be a NO! The deal was that tonight at 9:00 I will meet Jen at her house and make a plan and if the plan wasn't good I will not be obliged to help her. I thought about her deal for a minute or two and then finally decide to agree, I'm only going to think of a plan tonight, I'm not necessarily going to do the plan.

Or should I?

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