The Runaway

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The dragon-kin of the weyr are accustom to Lady's shenanigans. Whether she is tail nipping, demanding to be shaken, pr chasing after unknown dragon-kin, they are familiar with her ways. The most obnoxious thing that the little one does if probably her attempts at 'freedom'.

Even as a sub-adult or full grown dragon-kin, it is not uncommon for Lady to take off randomly and disappear until she gets lonely (which never takes long.) Kross and Silver do their best to keep her in line. It is easiest to do when she is a kit, however. As a tiny little thing, she can easily be carried in her parents' mouth of by the tail with no harm done. If she runs off they will be able to simply have to bring her back and place her in time out.

All the adults of the weyr know to keep an eye on the naughty Lady, so she never really gets the chance to escape. So it goes without saying that she takes each chance she gets, no matter how impatient the adults get with her. And one day, the perfect opportunity arose.

Lady had just been obliterated by a Koser dragon that had attacked the weyr. The adults swiftly killed the aggro intruder and sent someone to pick up the new baby Lady. They made a mistake of sending Hermit, who has a tendency to pick up a hatchling and never put it down.

Hermit scooped up Lady from a remote corner of Three Ponds and dragged her back to the weyr's valley. Lady, as usual, struggled and screamed her protests. The green plasma holding Lady shook her side to side until her protests turned into cheers. The two of them flew circles around the valley as Kross and Silver gave chase, trying to convince Hermit to release their daughter.

As she began to tire, Hermit landed on a dune and curled up to rest. Silver dashed over to steal Lady back, but before she could, a cry of alarm was sounded by a friendly fire dragon. An unknown sand worm had entered into the valley!

Unfortunately for Hermit, the sand worm had been targeting her. It snatched her up and flung her about  violently, breaking her neck and back. It then gulped her down and vanished back into the sands. Lady was sent flying and tumbling away and down the dune. The adults began the hunt for their newest attacker. She was not in any danger, so the adults ignored the tiny hatchling. She saw her moment and fled into the desert.

It did not take too long for the weyr to take down the sand worm using trickery and numbers. Only then did Kross notice that Lady was not anywhere nearby. He reached out with his mind, but as soon as he did, Lady cut their mental connection. Kross had just enough time to figure out where she was and snarled.

He gathered up Cena and Glay and left May and Silver to guard the valley. Pookie, who had been hunting for snacks and was returning to help deal with the other sand worm, followed close behind in the sand.

As soon as Lady's tiny form could be seen, almost at Two Ponds, Kross yowled threateningly at her. She continued to run, refusing all attempts they made to connect with her. Annoyed, he blasted the sand around her with a plasma blast. Lady squealed in fright, but kept running.  Cena flew up ahead in an attempt to cut off Lady while Glay landed and charged up at Lady to nip her tail, trying to get her to turn around. She got right in the way of Kross, who was trying to pick up the little terror and the two got tangled together.

 Pookie, not realizing who the baby was and thinking the other two were hunting an attacker sucked Lady into the sands and devoured her...

At Two Ponds, an opal plasma tumbled out of her egg and began to cry out loudly. Lady tried to establish a connection with the weyr, but was refused. Whimpering and lonely, Lady curled up and started to beg her father for forgiveness. When Kross finally reestablished a connection with the naught little one, she did not attempt to run away again for an entire day.



There may be mistakes: Usually this is the third draft, but today I skipped a step in my process so this is only my second draft.

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