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---- lower case intended ----

(harry's POV until stated otherwise)

"how was i so lucky to have met you?" i whispered into her small ears as a quiet chuckle fell from her soft lips. what a beautiful setting with such a heavenly human. as the wind passed by, it blew her hair so beautifully around her to capture her almost artistic looking face. it did this often, she had thought of cutting it, but her blonde locks are one of the many things i crave about her, yet, if she were to pursue the desire of cutting it short, i was still going to love her. nothing that she did could turn me off of her.

"you haven't even really met me yet harry, soon though." she promised, smiled at me, and traced my skin with her long slender fingers while the sun glistened over her hand. she didn't like her fingers. she always found ways to put herself down. i didn't understand though, she was so gorgeous, and i will continue to praise her for her beauty everyday, until i'm stripped from her presence. another minute passed, and the top of the sun began to approach the horizon. this made me weep. as i hung my head down, i felt her hand underneath my chin, and she lifted my head up to meet her perfect features.

"this isn't fair, i never have enough time with you." i whined, as with every breath i took, the sun moved further and further away from the blank canvas we call a sky. her small hands were now cupping my face, and her hair was getting blown around by the wind that was picking up in strength, another dreadful sign she was about to leave me.

"what did i tell you about taking things for granted?" she questioned while simultaneously trying to distract me from the fact she was slowly fading away with the wind, but she was failing. i slowly felt her hands touch fall from my face, and the rest of her body was becoming more transparent.

"please, don't." i begged, even though i knew it was an endless battle.

"until we meet again." was the last whisper i heard from her lips, and with that, her whole presence was gone, and the sky filled up with brightness.

my alarm clock rang annoyingly in my ear, alarming me that it was 6am and time for me to get ready for yet another joyous day at work. i threw my hand on top of the old fashioned clock to silence its ringing and groaned in disappointment. just another amazing dream that was ended by what felt like my endless and meaningless life. i sat up, ran my hands over my oily skin and started to think about the busy day that faced me. how i dreaded this part of the morning, despite the comfort of my own bed, i also had the looming day ahead of me hanging over my head. i slowly stood up and began walking to the kitchen, maybe a good meal, or simply just something to fill my stomach, would make me feel a bit better. the sound and smell of the coffee machine made me wake up just a bit more, how i loved the taste of coffee every morning. without it, i don't think i would be able to make it to work every morning.

"good morning my love!" my overly excited wife greeted me from the kitchen. her short, brown, nearly dead hair from dying it too much was messy. i don't think i can recall the last time she ran a brush through it. "i made your favourite, two scrambled eggs, a piece of toast, a slice of tomato and a double espresso with half a sugar." she smiled and placed the meal in front of one of the stools facing her.

this was a lie. i am so sick of this routine every morning. the breakfast she cooked for the first time on our 6 month wedding anniversary, and just to make her feel good, i told her she had discovered my favourite breakfast. maybe if i had been honest then, she wouldn't have made it for nearly every morning for the past 9 months of our marriage. yet it was the only thing she knew how to make. being honest (for once), the meal was never inedible while of course being one of the only things she knew how to do right. as i sat down, she planted her dry lips onto mine and i forced a smile up to her, all i wanted was to begin and finish my food, all she wanted to do was talk, "baby, are you ok?"

no, i'm not and haven't been for the past year of our marriage, is what i wanted to say, "i'm fine." is what i went with instead, mouth full of food to hide my bad attempt at lying, yet she couldn't see through my words whatsoever. she shrugged her shoulders, put her plate of food down beside mine and made her way over to sit next to me.

"get this right, yesterday at work," she began explaining a work event that went down at her office, but i tuned her out. instead, i picture the young blonde from last nights dream, sitting next to me, where she had made me instead of scrambled eggs, fried eggs with a buttered muffin and some mushrooms on the side. making a strong long black instead of a double espresso, and eating a bowl of cereal with me, because she liked the simpler things. she would begin telling me about the crazy event that went down at her awesome job last night, and i would actually be attentive. then, when i started to get ready, she would unbuttoned my shirt and refuse to let me leave without first pleasing me in bed, "harry" her voice whispered in my ear, yet it wasn't a whisper.

"harry! are you even listening to me?" tracy sighed and dropped her head, as she yet again seemed ignored. i shook my head, saying goodbye to the beautiful blondes image in my mind and looked toward my brunette wife.

"how could i when this food is absolutely superb darling?" i smiled at her, and she threw her arms around me, pulling me into a tight embrace, which really woke me up, so, thanks for that, i actually needed that.

after i finished my meal, i put it in the sink for her to clean, its not as if i did nothing around the apartment, i did, yet it was around 6:26am and i have a train to catch at 6:40am, conveniently it was a 3 minute walk from the apartment, but i still needed to get ready. i walked into my neatly organised walk in closet and grabbed the first white long sleeve button up i saw, with the first long black trousers i saw. deciding between two different dress shoes, i decided to go with the black pair instead of the brown, and threw my attire on. i grabbed my 'bag' which is considered to some as a 'mans purse' and slung it on my shoulder. i took my phone off the charger and began to make my way out the front door. of course, i was stopped by tracy, for a long, unpleasing kiss to the lips.

"have a good day! i'll call you at lunch." she grinned so big, there nearly wasn't enough room for the rest of her facial features. i closed the door, and finally felt relieved, as i made my way to the train station in complete solitude, blocking out any image of her.

---- authors note ----

hi. i re wrote this book as i wanted it to be better and missed writing. hope whoever is reading enjoys what i have to write. thx.  

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