Chapter 1: Unadulterated Loathing

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Finally finishing her recreational work, Bailey leaned back in her chair as she watched the world around her go about their busy day. She folded her music sheets up and placed them in her dark folder, the sheets of paper smelling of her morning coffee. She leaned back on the park bench and looked up at the sky, seeing the cloud form into their shapes of inspiration. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say.

"Bailey!" called out a familiar voice, followed by a trail of barking. Interrupting her train of thought, she sat up as she was suddenly holding the small yet heavy dog of her good friend Sam. She smiled as she pet the dog, soon laughing as her faced was tickled by his warm tongue.

"Yes, yes, its good to see you little Bowser!" laughed Bailey as she carefully placed the energetic pup on the ground. "How's life been for Sam Sam?" A smile formed on Sam's face as she gave her friend a much needed hug.

"I heard the news about your song," she said with a small frown. "Are you sure you're going to be alright?" Her concerned eyes looked up and down on the exotic Bailey, watching as a sigh left her mouth as she breathed.

"I should be alright," replied Bailey with a sigh. "It was a lousy song anyway. Dangerfield needs songs that don't take risks in style. The company wants me to be like everyone else...." As Bailey's turquoise hair blew in the morning wind, Sam's comforting hand placed itself upon her friend's back. "I guess I'm gonna have to find another company that is willing to produce my music."

"You'll find it," she replied and rested her head on her shoulder. "I'm sure you will.... Now come on, we better get to work." Bailey groaned in annoyance as she hugged onto her friend, nuzzling her nose into shoulder.

"But I don't wanna go," she complained with a teenage whine, although she was in her 20s. "Work is boring and the coding is doing my head in. You're lucky your brain is able to manage that." Sam laughed softly as she helped her friend up, walking back to her apartment to drop off Bowser and head off to work.


The vibe in the office was as per usual: men and women gathered around their computers as they completed their assigned work. Bailey smiled as she watched Sam hard at work on her computer, attempting to get her game back into working order. She had heard about Sam's troubles with her new game after some ViewTuber had posted a bad review of it. She knew he was wrong. They both knew. Bailey had even played the game and enjoyed it a lot from what the story had to offer to the non-violent approach despite her violent upbringing. However, no matter the topic, social media always had a way of biting someone in the ass and letting the wound sit for many years to come (sometimes even for a lifetime).

Bailey sat in the break room, making coffees for her fellow coworkers. Although she was good at coding, she did not enjoy it one bit. The flowing numbers and letters on screen, the rage when one part doesn't work, the one thing she hated most about it was when her work went underappreciated by people. But no matter, she still enjoyed the company of her fellow coworkers and enjoyed making them her special coffee brew with hint of cream, chocolate, and sugar. However, there is one man that she didn't dare to give this special drink to-

"Hello Miss Paliva."

Charles Jones. God, how that name made her blood boil in rage. The first day she came through that door, he had seen her as nothing but trouble. "Hey, hey, Jonesy," she replied with an eyeroll, even hearing Charles' eyebrows raise. Bailey loved to annoy Charles by calling him Jonesy. His twitching eyebrow, the Welsh mutters under his breath, it was something priceless to observe.

"I have requested countless times for you not to call me that," he groaned softly, the base of his eyebrow twitching in irritation. "And countless times you do not head that request."

"Well to bad Jonesy," the woman spoke, a smirk of delight on her face as she annoyed him. Just as he was about to say something, the distinct ringtone of 'carmen' by Stromae filled the room. Bailey laughed nervously as she grabbed her phone from the back of her ripped jeans, hesitantly answering the unknown caller. "H-Hello? Bailey speaking."

Charles rolled his eyes and tapped his finger on the bench, staring at the young woman before him. Although he was annoyed by her presence, he thought of her as a great asset to the company. When they first met they were not on great terms, especially because of her appearance. Her unnaturally dyed turquoise hair, her full sleeve of tattoos, her body piercings, and her foul language put him off the moment he saw her. However, she was a hard worker even though she did not truly enjoy the work she did. She worked hard with her music instead.

Music, her one true passion in life. How the rhythm and beat would change her mood in an instant. Unknowing to Bailey, Charles managed to experience this himself when listening to her perform in her spare time. Though out high school, she was always seen hauling around her guitar on her back, the weight of her schoolwork being replaced with the carrying of musical instruments. Even after school, she continued on her passion despite her horrible upbringing-

"Oh my god, yeah! I'd be happy to!" she exclaimed, her voice filling the room like water rushing down a water fall. "Feel free to text the details to me. Thanks!" Charles stood with a puzzled expression on his face, unable to understand Bailey's burst of joy. "Move over, Jonesy, I've got tea to spill!" she exclaimed as she shoved past him, running to Sam. She felt the change in atmosphere as she finally was able to share good news with her closest friend. Sam also felt this sudden change and spun around in her chair, facing the excited girl.

"Did you get the gig?" she asked, holding her hands. Bailey nodded as a child being offered candy, the excitement overwhelming her. They best friends jumped into each others arms and laughed joyfully, Bailey forcing them to jump around which made Sam feel somewhat awkward. "I'm so proud of you! You're an amazing musician, they'll have to listen to your music!" A light blush formed on Bailey's face, slowly melting into a ball of mushy embarrassment.

"Oh hush, it took a lot of work," she replied while scratching the itch on her elbow, her toes curling up in her heeled boots. It wasn't long until one particular man overheard the excitement that he was intrigued with an idea.

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