Name - Louis Tomlinson.
Age - Doesn't matter.
Orientation - Punk? I don't fucking know what that means.
Sexuality - Gay.
Relationship Status - Taken by someone amazing. *glares* If you fucking touch him or hurt him in any way, I will murder you. *smiles innocently*
Likes - Sharp objects, fire, roofs, darkness, my boyfriend, and dimples.
Dislikes - When people try to hard, bullies, girls.
Last Relationship - Was abusive.
Why are you dick? - Why am I dick? I was abused when I was a kid! I was left in the cold, because I was gay, had tattoos, had piercings. I took the piercings out when I was left..
Why are you gay, gays should die. - Go fuck yourself asshole. No they shouldn't, you should..
I support your choice, of being gay. - Fuck youself, I wasn't a choice...