Sweeter than Ice Chapter 3

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Sorry this isn't part of my book. I'll fix it for next time. ^^~ >.<

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We got to the movies, just in time for the beginning trailers to start. Abbi and Chris sat together, forcing me next to Nick, not that I wanted to sit anywhere else.

"Are you excited for this?" Nick whispered to me, grinning stupidly up at the screen. I laughed, amused by his expression.

"Sure." I replied, and looked around. there weren't many people here, probably because the movie had already been out for a while, so most people had already seen it.

Within a few minutes, the movie began with its usual beginning movie trailers. I yawned and snuck a glance at Nick. He was whispering something funny to Chris, but Abbi gave me an encouraging wink. I smiled sheepishly back at her.

"Hello." A girl came over to me, tapping my shoulder. She had short, black hair and large, yellow green eyes. Her skin tone was clearly hispanic, but she was extrodinary beautiful.

"Do I know you?" I asked her, eyeing her suspiciously.

"Not yet." She chirped and sat down next to me.

"My name is Verano." She whispered as the movie finally started.


"Ah. So that's the name the humans gave you."

"What?" I asked, then Nick grabbed my shoulder. I felt like my heart was about to explode.

"Who's your friend?" he asked me, looking her up and down approvingly.

"Verano." I replied, not taking my gaze off of his hand.

"Well, I'm Nick." Nick replied, holding out his hand to her. Verano scoffed and looked at me.

"Tell the boy here I'm not interesting and to keep his human hands away from me, and off of you." She glared at his hand with a deadly gaze.

"Please just watch the movie." I said to him, and he turned away mummbling to himself.

"I can't believe that human would have the gall to touch you." She snarled, brushing off my shoulder.

"Why?" I asked, but then I looked at my phone, sensing a phone call. As I suspected, my father was calling me.

"Great." I sighed, and walked out of the theater. I lifted the phone to my ear and immediatly my father's drunken voice slurred loudly through the speaker.

"Yous gets homes you sutzzzz!" He garbled and I shut my phone. I turned to walk out, but I found Verano standing in my way.

"Family emergency?" She asked, her bright eyes worried.

"You could say that." I replied, unnerved by her blatent care for me, and she just met me...supposedly.

"Will you be okay?" she asked, taking my hand.

"Yeah I'll be fine. Bye." I walked away from her two steps when she whispered, "Happy 18th birthday." I whirled around, but she was gone. I shook my head and left.

As I walked into my house, I barely managed to dodge an empty glass of beer.

"Bout time." my father mummbled, slowly sobering up. "Look, now I've got friends coming over, so clean this place up and go get dressed."

"I am dressed."

"I meant like a boy you stupid girl! Damn, how I wish I had a boy instead of this slut." My father growled and disappeared into his study, leaving me to the trashed abode. Vomit covered the coffee table and the carpet, and half broken beer bottles were littered everywhere. The place smelt like hell, and made me what to add my own collect of vomit to the floor.

"Great." I groaned and rolled up my sleeves and got to work.

One hour later, I managed to the house some what decent. All sorts of drunk stains were gone, but the smell still lingered. I propped the dorr open to let the house air out. Then I went to my room and took some gl to muss up my hair and wipe off my make-up. I threw on a dark gray t-shirt, and a pair of baggy pants. I hooked on my lip chain and spritzed myself with some manspray. I turned to look at myself in my body mirror and smirked approvingly. I was hot as a boy.

"Hey Aut! Come down and meet our guests." My father yelled and I slowly headed downstairs. When I got down there, I spotted just a couple people. I recognized them all as his poker buddies and I knew that they would be leaving soon.

"Hey Aut! What's going on!?" One of the guys said and came over and slapped me on the back.

"Still looking good." The only lady there purred. She wasn't too bad of a looker, and I've lost count of how times I've found them screwing each other on the couch. "Why can't we bring him along. He's 18 now isn't he?"

"Yeah. Come get drunk! Play some poker. Maybe even get lucky and get laid! with your looks, I don't doubt it." The first guy shouted, obviously already partly drunk.

"Nah, I'm not ready for my boy to be a man. I've still got some stuff to teach him." My dad laughed, patting me on the shoulder. It pissed me off.

"Well, I guess we'll see you later." The girl winked at me. I just smirked and started to head back up the stairs when my father grabbed my arm.

"What?" I asked, trying not to let the venom in my voice seep out. He saw the hatred in my eyes, and shrunk back slightly.

"Night." He said and let me go. I didn't reply, but went back upstairs but then snuck out my bedroom window.

"Maybe that guy had the right idea." I smirked to myself and headed off into downtown.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2011 ⏰

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