Chapter 1 (Rewritten)

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(Hi! Welcome to the rewrite! It's been a while, but here it is. Hopefully, it lives up to expectations. Until next time, Manifest_a_Celing)

Light spills in from the crack in the curtains, its golden warmth spreading across my face, waking me. My eyes flutter open and I'm greeted by the rare sight of him, my super-soldier husband, sleeping peacefully beside me. Careful to not wake him, I trail my fingers gently across his face, tracing his strong jawline, his stubble rough on my fingertips. I move up, sliding across his jaw to his soft, pink lips. I lean in and place a soft, loving kiss on his lips, sparks flying as they had done the first time our lips met. His eyes open slowly and I'm met with the sight of his dreamy baby blue orbs. He takes a moment, as his eyes adjust to the light falling across us, but when he does, his lips twitch up into a smile.

"Morning, doll," He greets, a lazy grin adorning his face.
"Hey handsome, glad you're finally awake," I tease.
"Well, I couldn't leave my best girl alone," he quips, wrapping an arm around my waist, pulling me closer.
"Your best girl, huh?" I joke, ducking in for another kiss.
"Ah ah ah," Steve chides, pulling his head backward, "no kisses for you."
"Why not, you geezer?"
"Because you woke me up!"
"But you're normally up at this time, and besides, you woke me up yesterday and the day before that!" I protest. "I still let you get kisses"
"That's because you're nice, doll," Steve told me, giving me a peck on the lips.

He glanced by my head, checking the time on the digital alarm clock on my nightstand.
"6 am? Already!" He exclaimed, leaping from his bed, almost sprinting to the closet to get his workout gear on. "I'm late for my run with Sam!"
"Your poor wife must think you like Sam more than her," I complain lightheartedly, "She must feel so lonely when you always rush off before she gets up in the morning to run with your friend"
Hush you," Steve says, smiling, "I'll be back soon and I'll make you breakfast."
"It's a deal," I grin, letting him give me one last kiss before he leaves.

Once the door shuts, I roll over onto my stomach and sigh, grumbling into my pillow. Just one morning, it would be nice to wake up in his arms and lie around for hours, not worrying about saving the world. Just one morning for just us, no one else. I understand that they're his friends, they're mine too, but since we've been married, it's like he barely spends any time with me. I crawl to the edge of the bed and slide onto the floor, where I lie for a moment before pushing myself up and making my own way to the closet.

I browse the hangers for a moment before grabbing a light grey t-shirt and a pair of black leggings. I make a quick stop in my drawers for some underwear and a bra before shuffling to the bathroom. I strip and then turn the shower on, already having it set to my liking, sighing as I stem under the hot water falling from the showerhead.

"JARVIS?" I call.
"Yes, Mrs Rogers?"
"Can you play my happy playlist please?"
"Right away, Mrs Rogers," JARVIS complied, music beginning to play from the hidden speakers.
"JARVIS, please, just call me Y/n," I remind the AI.
"As you wish, Ms Y/n."

I run my hands over my face and sigh again, letting the music fill the room. Despite the upbeat tunes that usually never fail to make me smile, I broke down into tears. All I wanted was for Steve to treat me like he did before we got married. I wanted to go back to when he made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world, to when he would take me out every weekend when we were both around. I miss the way he made me feel like I was the queen of the world. Now, all he does is forget about me, and make me feel insignificant. every other weekend, I would plan dates for us two, but he'd always forget, telling me he either was 'training with Sam' or too tired from his most recent mission. Once he'd even tried to blame me, telling me I must have forgotten to tell him. I showed him the texts I'd sent to remind him and the note I'd stuck to the mirror in the bathroom. I love him, I really really do, but sometimes I wish he'd never asked me to marry him.

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