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        When I was younger, I never thought anything this terrible could happen. In my quiet hometown of Toomsuba, Mississippi, nothing bad ever happen. Everybody knew each other, everybody liked each other, and the crime rate was extremely low. It was your stereotypical small town. Until….the voice appeared.
        I was ten years old when the voice first spoke to me. “Rebecca,” it would always breathe to me. It sounded so real, it was as if he was right in my ear, breathing down my neck, right beside me. Sometimes, I could even feel an invisible hand, stroking my long black hair, as if to bring comfort to me, but I was never comfortable when he was around. It would repeatedly tell me to grab the sharpest knife from my kitchen and stab it through my parents chest.Or, to jump out a window because there was a “big trampoline for me to land on,” but there actually wasn’t. As a fragile, timid little girl I was never sure whether to do what the voice told me, or to do what I knew was right. Fortunately, I never followed the instructions of it, I decided to tell my parents what was going on instead. They thought I was crazy, I thought I might have been too. They put me in counseling, but what a waste of money that was. Even after two years of it, the voice was still there. They put me on countless amounts of medications, none of which did anything, either. So there I was, just a little girl with a devil in her head.
        I lived under the ruling of him until my family decided to move from the small town when I turned fourteen. They thought “If we move, then the voice won’t happen anymore.” And they were right, it seemed. For two years I hadn’t heard from the voice. I felt like I was finally going to be normal. No more sleepless nights, no more voice, everything was as it should be…..at least for a little while.
        The voice came back to me about a month ago. Now, instead of speaking it just screams. Ear piercing, blood curdling screams that follow me wherever I go and never seem to stop. The screams drown out everything around me and it’s all I hear now. I haven’t slept in weeks, I feel like I’m going insane. I can’t even leave the house, it gets worse when I do. I’m stuck in a never ending hellish nightmare. I bet the voice thinks it got the best of me, I bet he thinks he’s won. But no, I’m going to be triumphant, I will not let the voice rule my life. So instead I’m ending it. Goodbye, voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2014 ⏰

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