the view

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"Come on sweetie" I hear my mom say. we were getting off the plane in Canada and I was watching vanoss,

"After life 47 days we finally stopped the train" he said

"And I died a million times!" Delirious said, I chuckle.

My mom leans over me, "what ya watching?" I quickly turn off my phone and look at her, "nothing, we here yet."
"Yes! Come on"
We get off the plan, past the security and get a cab, we are staying at a fancy hotel and going site seeing! We're going to a really big city tomorrow, gosh I forgot the name!
The cab driver drops us off, "come on Nicky!" She yells while I at the site next to the hotel. Beautiful! Sun setting, everything orange and huge mountains below us, the best part is I'm listening to pirates of the Caribbean while watching it.
"NICKY!" I hear my mom yell, I turn around, "sorry" I say as I grab my bag and run inside. now in the song were chimes of a sad melodies, the part where Davy Jones plays the piano.
Soon we get our room, room 217, the room was very big! Two beds, a huge tv, and HUH the best view!
About 2 hours later is was pitch black out, my mom was asleep while I was of course watching more vanoss,

"Shikaka" vanoss says trolling the others in prop hunt, my favorite.

I soon fall asleep watching movies. dreaming that soon I would meet vanoss, delirious and all of them, which I knew would never happen, good I got dreams!


HEY GUYS vanoss and delirious are up soon!! Next chapter is going to be about them, together, yep! (SPOILER) then next the big part😏😏

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