Getting Started

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Control. All i've ever had is control. That is my quirk and all, control. Anything i could think of i could move or distort in anyway i would want. Anything from physical objects to people's actions to sound or light waves. I still figure out more and more about my quirk and what i can do with it as i'm growing. Obviously, this quirk is very, very powerful. My quirk in my family is the strongest. With my older sister only being able to make physical objects move in a small radius of space, and my younger brother currently still quirkless far after the age where ones quirk should develop. My mom has a similar quirk to my sister, but she can also change the shape of the object as well. I don't know my dad, he left long ago, so i don't know the full detail of his quirk. My family is on the poorer side of the economic scale, but we get along greatly and are happy.

UA High. I've wanted to go to UA for as long as i could think of what school i wanted to go to. I have the quirk that could get me there. of course other schools could be options, but UA is endgame for me. I'm a fairly normal looking girl, with silver hair that reaches just between my chest and belly button, but I usually have it in a ponytail or bun. Also I am oddly tall for a female, taller than even my mom and i'm not even fully grown yet. My emerald green eyes are unique though, since everyone else in the family has blue eyes. Oh yeah, my name is Chlo

Weird text and emails have been coming to me lately. Almost like puzzles that needed to be solved to understand, but i didn't really care that much about them. I figured it was someone i knew trying to freak me out or just some spam. until one night, an email made my phone light up right before i was about to fall asleep. The subject box only read "we are coming". the email itself was enough to make my spine tingle. it went into deep detail about my quirk, everything that i knew about it, was in that email. Near the end of the email it said how they were going to... take my quirk? I mean it has to be fake, right? No one can take a quirk. but they knew everything about me. This can't be real. In the very last sentence... they talked about my brother. And if i said a word to anyone about this, they would take him. No. No way anyone is touching him. It continues by saying how they will kill everyone in my family until my quirk was theirs. It has to be fake obviously, but i'm not taking my chance with this. A sick joke. the email was signed, All For One. What a stupid name to go by.

After receiving the email, i didn't say a word to anyone. But the words kept playing back in my head like a broken record. My family is all i have. I barely have any real friends, so losing my family... I couldn't handle it. What was i supposed to do? I'm not giving up my quirk, it's the only way i can give my family a better life than we have right now. But if i lose my family, it would be pointless. I went back and forth for nights keeping me up until the sun almost started to rise. I graduate middle school in a couple months, and the UA entrance exam is shortly after that. After all those night of thinking, i came to the conclusion that i'm not going to lose either my family nor my quirk. I'm gonna get strong, and even on the small chance this is real, i'll be ready to fight back.

I start going to the gym, working out every day and eating all the right foods to get as physically fit as possible. I go out into the woods or some sort of deserted place and work on my quirk, testing it's limits. Slowly by surely, my muscles get bigger, my stamina rises, and i have an even greater grasp on the quirk i was blesses with. Before i knew it, it was time for the entrance exam.

I'm here. UA. I can't believe i'm actually finally here. the written portion was easy, i'm a pretty smart camper. But now it's time for the real part. The practical exam. We are all put in an auditorium with pro hero Present Mic, whos quirk allows him to project his voice enough to make ears bleed, talking so loud and excited, like everyone here DOESNT feel like they are going to pee their pants from nerves. Well, maybe just me. His hair is long and yellow and he's dressed like a DJ. He goes over what we need to do. Fight... robots? Okay then i guess. I hear some kid mumbling a few seats behind me, but honestly i don't really care. I peak behind my shoulder and he has big curly green hair and freckles. Cute. He seems to be talking to the person next to him. All the air seems to have left my chest. I've never had a boyfriend before but... wow. This kid. Blonde spiky hair and a aggravated look on his face. As Present Mic continues to explain about the point system, some robots worth 1 point, some worth 2, and some 3, some kid with a stick in his ass jumps up and yells something about what the paper they handed out doesn't match what Mic was talking about or whatever. I didn't even really notice that much, but when i looked, he was right. The paper said there would be four robots. Present Mic responds by saying there is a forth robot, but it's worth no points, and we should avoid it at all cost. Then the dude points back at the mumbling kid and calls him out in front of everyone. Poor kid, he looks so embarrassed. What an asshole.

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