A New Life

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The edge of the Stair Gate...

To be honest, I never even thought I'd make it this far...

I've come with nothing but the essentials. I've got a bottle of water, and enough food in my bag to last me about three days. I've also got a jet pack strapped to my back to get me though the Stair Gate. I'm not sure how long it'll take to get through or how long it'll take me to find a place to settle down and live, but it has to be done. I can't take living in Apocalypseberg anymore. It's not the same place it used to be. I miss being able to go out on a nice day and being able to enjoy myself. Now every day is a fight for my own survival.

As I stare out into the darkness of the Stair Gate, my body fills with anxiety. I'm really about to leave my old life behind. Not that I have much to leave behind. I've only really cared for one person. And I don't just mean friends. I had romantic feelings for him, but he's with someone else now. He's happy and I can leave knowing he's happy.

I put on my orange, scratched and dented helmet. It's a helmet that covers my whole head and blacks out my eyes. I start my old jet pack up and it takes it a while, but it finally lifts me into the air. I take one last deep breath before entering the gate way to hopefully a better life.

A few seconds of being in the Stair Gate and I feel my body disconnect from reality. It's as though I'm traveling to another dimension. I look down at my hands and it's as though their taking different forms. My body is no longer the solid structure it once was. I scream at the sight and feeling, even though I know no one is around to hear.

This is where I rethink my decision. I shouldn't have done this. I should have stayed back home. I shouldn't have left. I should have told Emmet how I felt before he moved on with Lucy.

So many things I should have done and there's no going back now. I have to accept this fate...

And that's when I feel everything coming back to me. My body is back to normal and everything feels normal. I look around to the space surrounding me. It's dark and littered with asteroids. I'll have to be careful.

I try to maneuver around each meteor as best as I can, trying desperately not to get hurt. I have my bag tied around my waist, or at least I did. I look down and I didn't even notice it had fallen off. There goes my basic tools for survival. I sure hope this Stair Gate doesn't take long to get through.

As I continue, the asteroids get bigger and the struggle to get through becomes more difficult. I gasp as one of the larger rocks comes hurdeling toward me. There's no way I can avoid this. I just clamp my eyes shut and accept my fate as I let out one last scream.

But that's when I hear... rock music?

I peak my eyes open and see someone else. Someone in a blue suit and helmet and a jet pack; one much nicer than mine. And with his bare hands, he busts the asteroid into tiny little pieces as if it was nothing. He then scoops me up into his arms and flies me back to his ship. A ship in a shape I've never seen before.

A hatch opens on the side of the ship and he flies me in and sits me down gently on my feet.

"You... you saved my life..." I look up to him, though he can't see my eyes through the tinted glass of my helmet.

He ignores what I say and mumbles something to himself as he walks over to a large computer. I couldn't hear him because his own helmet muffled his speech.

As he approaches his computer, he hits a button on the side of his helmet and removes it, exposing his messy brown hair, unshaved face and chiseled features.

"The time line must have warped... or... or maybe..." he begins talking to himself.

I approach him from behind and examine what he does. He's doing some things on his computer that I couldn't even comprehend.

Rex Dangervest X Male Reader {A New Life}Where stories live. Discover now