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The sound of footsteps echoed through the marble hallway. Adam ran his hand through his hair as he thought about the day's events. Nothing too odd happened today. Patrols went well, only a few enemies spotted along the borders. Nothing too important to report to the king.

Adam turned the corner into a hallway not unlike the one he was just in. It was dimly lit with a slight incline. There were many hallways and rooms that branch out from the main hallway. There was even dead ends. To an intruder, it would seem like a mess, but to Adam it was like the back of his hand.

Adam suddenly stopped. He reached up to a iron block among the marble and placed a button on it. After pressing it, two marble blocks slid away from the wall, revealing a hallway. He entered the hallway that led to a large room.

At the center of the room sat an older man, an older king to be exact. Adam kneeled in front of the thrown.

"Hello Adam, anything to report?" The king asked.

"Nothing of importance," Adam reported. "Daily tasks went smoothly with no mishaps. You have also been invited to a ball by the Lox Kingdom." Adam pulled a lilac envelope encrusted with green lace out of his bag and flashed it to the king.

The king huffed. "Decline it. I want nothing to do with those, PEASANTS."

Adam nodded and put the envelope back in his bag. "It may be a good idea for you to send someone as a representative to gather information," Adam suggested.

The king thought about this for a moment and nodded. "That is a fine idea. Adam you go. It would be fit for a Prince to go to a ball."

Prince Adam nodded, concealing his excitement. To go into enemy territory with no risk!

"I shall prepare at once." With that Adam stood and dismissed himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2014 ⏰

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