Tank games

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Different colors of fish swirled in front of my a tornadoes of fins and gills. I reached froward to touch the glass and as soon as I did one fish stopped in front of me the fish was brown with red fins and whiskers.

" A cat fish in a salt water tank " I thought "how odd" the the fish started to move. then it hit me where ever I thought the fish would movie there. I sent him flying around the tank, then suddenly he took a bit out of a fish. From there that was my goal to eat the most fish to grow big my fish was the fastest fish in the tank.

Then I found my self on top of the tank looking down at the fish. I seemed to be sinking into the water but nothing seemed to be under my feet. when I was in the water the tank seemed to grow and the fish were larger. Air was depleting from my lungs I tried to reach the surfaces in vane. I finally gasped but I was still deep under the water. my eyes widen in surprise I could breath. I swam around the tank and after some time life under water was easy I found the tank that my weird cat fish was in. he violently bit a fish in half.

"That's my boy" I thought as I walked away from the tank the area around me change four stages on different levels above the water. I was wearing a bathing suit all with one piece my hair in a bun leaving curls by my ears free. I look like a child's video game character flat with no curves at all. a little screen popes besides me with three colors mixed together.

"Find the right color of bubble gum so your suit matches the picture. I made a mad dash for the stages walking above water was difficult I saw a Double Bubble gum lying on one of the stages when I picked it up the top of my suit changed to the color of the gum and a different color dropped. After trying to find the right shades of color.

All of a sudden I was in the woods or a grass plan or a mix of both. standing in a line I was wearing skin tight Ninja outfit with a red belt. the other people where dressed the same only different colors. A group of people stood near a howl lifting people in suing a signal word to them as they let them down. when it got to me the words he said to me was "innocence" he smirked "let's see how long that lasts you" he dropped me he did not lightly let me down he just dropped me the howl seemed to last forever I arched my back to see the bottom. nothing but darkness awaited me darkness so thick you could not see the brightest light. I closed my eyes just to have them open right back up I'm in my bed my cat awoke me by attacking my exposed foot.

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