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Pain was something that Sekhani Reed was familiar with. Growing up with severe anxiety was the killer of friendships, relationships and self worth. Though Sekhani managed to get friends, find himself in a serious relationship and love himself more than he ever did.

Everything was going too good, he knew that. Something was bound to go wrong. He didn't want to admit it out loud but he could feel the impending doom slowly creeping up on him as the days went by. He would find himself feeling to cry for no absolute reason and he knew that it was because of what was to come.

He never thought it would be something pertaining the Cullens. No, the Cullens were the furthest thing on his mind. Maybe it would be his family, school or his friends Phoebe or Carter. Anything and anyone but the Cullens. The vampire family had wormed their way into his heart and built a concrete foundation. They were a part of him now and whether he liked it or not, he needed them.

But as the days went on, the feeling of dread only intensified. The end of something was near and something bad was going to happen. So he sat in his room and did what he did best, he drew and he painted. He didn't know what he was making at first, he just let the pencil guide him. When the drawing was done, he dropped the pencil and admired his work.

The image before him was a questioning one but he loved it. The wolf on the page seemed to be staring at the moon with an expression on its face that Sekhani had no idea how he captured. The wolf looked sad, as if everything in his world had just did a 360. Without a second thought, he grabbed the black paint and started painting the wolf's fur.

As he painted, an image was materialising in his mind. A man was standing, a scowl etched on his face. The one thing that stood out to Sekhani was the tattoo that spread across his large shoulder. It was endearing to say the least. Sekhani had no idea who this man was or why he was painting a wolf but he knew he'd figure it out later.

And when the painting of the wolf was done, he sat on his bed and stared at it. The wolf was beautiful, there was no lie about that but it seemed so familiar that he almost wanted to bang his head against a wall. With a deep sigh, he turned his light off and went to sleep.

Outside his window, in the forest, a black wolf sat on his hunches as he peered up at the house. He raised himself upon his four legs before taking off back to his house. There was only one thought circling in his head as he darted to the reservation.

'Everything will make sense soon Sekhani, I promise.'

In His Pain [2] 》Twilight (EDITING) ✓Where stories live. Discover now