1: Pyramid Mindfuck

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Serj, Daron, Shavo, and John all look over the horizon, staring at the storm clouds approaching.

"You all waiting for something?"

They look back in surprise, a male with short, brown hair, and sunglasses, wearing an aqua green hoodie. They all shook their heads, and a red glint appears in one of the strangers eyes, covered behind the sunglasses.

"W-Who are you, exactly?..." Shavo asked. The stranger laughed and took off his sunglasses. What they saw could've been the most horrific thing ever seen. The stranger had an aqua green eye, but his left eye was black, and his iris red.

"What the fuck?!" Daron exclaimed. The stranger walked closer. "Stay back you son of a bi-" The strangers hands burst with radiation and Daron stopped talking, forcefully by the stranger.

The stranger crossed his arms and Daron could talk again. He closed his eyes. "Get the hell over here you Jedi wannabe!" Shavo exclaimed and punched at the stranger.

As soon as he punched him, a barrier appeared, and Shavo screamed in pain. The stranger opened his eyes. "Pathetic joint dealer." He scoffed. "1, 2, 3... Where's the fourth?"

In all the commotion, Serj was behind him, and with a knife drawn, he stabbed, and ripped open his skin. He edged back away when he saw that part of his spine was made of robotic parts.

The stranger turned towards Serj and smiled wickedly. "You made the wrong decision you bitch." He punched Serj square in the jaw and knocked him down.

"Fucking socialist..." He drew a line across his neck and stuck out his tongue. "Thanks for the compliment... Fucking idiot..." The stranger kicked Serj to shut him up.

"When you all learn to fight, come talk to me." That's when John decided to speak up. "Well why don't you give us powers and teach us to fight?" The stranger nodded. "Good idea."

The stranger snapped and he had a pointed helmet on. He burst with radiation and knocked all of them out, then disappeared.


They all woke up. "Yo... What the fuck happened?..." Daron asked. "No clue." Shavo replied. He smirked and poked John in the chest. John jolted up. "Fucking Christ dude! You shocked me!"

"Oh please..." Shavo poked him again and this time it sent a whole jolt through John, so powerful you could see his skeleton.

"Yo..." Shavo looked at his hands, sparks of electricity crawled up his hands. "No fair! I want powers too!" John exclaimed.

"Shut the fuck up John, nobody asked." Shavo said. "Ok you smug fuck!" It was one insult after another.

"Emotionless bitch!" "High towards the heavens nut job!" "Fucking creditor!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" A ring of fire surrounded Daron and his eyes raged ablaze. Daron calmed down and saw what he has done.

"Whoa... Then what about those two?..." He said. John shrugged and poked Shavo back. "Whoa... Your hands are freezing..."

"Bullshit." He put his hand on the ground and looked and his eyes widened. He froze the fucking ground.

"Ok, ok, ok... So Shavo has electricity, Daron has fire, I have ice, then what does Serj have?" Serj looked up. "I'm not concerned enough to care."

His eyes were now green and Daron pointed that out fast. "Bro, your eyes..." He looked down at Serjs hands to see that underneath them, vegetation was growing.

"Alright... Serj got the power of the plants..." Shavo said. "No that doesn't mean I-" Shavo sighed. "Yeah, you don't have to remind me..."

"WOOWOO! IM THE MOST POWERFUL IN THE BUNCH!" Daron bragged. "How so?" Shavo asked. "I melt ice, I burn plants, and I can take you on easily!"

Shavo scoffed. "In your dreams, gnome." Daron's smile faded. "What the fuck did you just call me?" Shavo smirked. "G-N-O-M-E. Gnome. I'm one year older than you and I'm 6 inches taller."

Daron started to get mad again. "Shut the hell up you crackhead." Shavo laughed. "Like YOU can talk!" Daron held out his hand and fire seamed through to form a ball. "Fuck off, stupid bitch!"

He threw it at Shavo and knocked Shavo down. "Looks like someone's blank stare deemed it warfare!" Shavo exclaimed. They both stood up, their elements escaping in sparks/flames throughout their bodies.

"MOTHER FUCKER!" Daron charged at Shavo, but Shavo reacted with lightning fast reflexes. But Daron struck back with a flaming headbutt which sent Shavo crashing into John.

Shavo made 3 lightning balls. He juggled them, strode left, and threw them at him while striding. Daron made a fire shield, but the lightning overpowered it, and it blew up and sent Daron in the air.

Shavo jumped, and punched Daron with a fist full of lightning. "This isn't over, Shavarsh..." He threw his fedora and he hit Shavo with it, exploding him. "Reloading!" He caught the fedora and landed.

Shavo was lying on the ground, infuriated. "Give up?" Daron asked. Shavo shook his head and struggled to get up. Shavo stood up and summoned a lightning katana.

"Swordplay now, eh?" Daron asked. Serj grew corn kernels and made them into popcorn, while him and John ate it and watched.

Daron summoned a fire blade. They charged at each other full force, and they both sent each other through hell with pain of the opposing element.

They both were keen on winning. Daron muttered something in Armenian as he began to glow. "What the fuck?..." Shavo exclaimed.

Daron screamed as he summoned streams of fire that went in seperate directions, all towards Shavo.

"OH SHI-" He was cut off by the fire hitting him. Serj clapped. John rolled his eyes. "Give up NOW?" Daron asked.

"FUCK NO!" Shavo got up. He started screaming as lightning went in all different directions. Daron started again.

Then, they both exploded with their element. Daron no longer looked like Daron, and Shavo no longer looked like Shavo.

"Yo... You think we can to this too, John?" Serj asked. John shrugged. "Maybe... Would be nice."

Daron's hair was flowing ablaze, his eyeliner red, orange, and yellow. His eye color Ivory. A ring of fire surrounded him.

Shavos beard was replace with thousands of lightning bolts. His eyes were golden yellow. Electricity crackled from upon the ground.

Daron charged up a flame attack, while Shavo charged up lightning. Daron threw a beam if fire towards Shavo, and Shavo threw a beam of electricity towards Daron.

The element beams fought with each other for a while. "DIE LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER!" Daron screamed and his beam overpowered Shavo's, sending him flying.

Shavo was sent over the horizon, and Daron returned to his normal form. Serj and John sat there with wide eyes and open jaws. "What, he's coming back... Now!"

He pointed the opposite direction he was facing, and here comes Shavo. He skids across the ground. When he gets there he's all scratched, burned, and bruised. "Anyone here order a vanilla milkshake with extra fries?..." And then Shavo passed out.

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