Bing Bong Tec|Is a Cell Phone the Only Phone You Need?

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Things You Should Think About When Considering excavate Your Land Line.

Bing Bong Tec-In the early part of the 20th century, a phone in the house was contemplated to be a luxury. Fast forward to the 21st century, and home phone is sometimes examined a responsibility. Among 20-somethings, home phones are no longer fashionable. These imaginative young people have chosen to rip out their phone thread and go thoroughly cellular. It's not surprising, considering the fact that cell phones are considered to be a compulsory accessory for many young professionals, while landlines are often thought to be an old-fashioned, unnecessary expense.

The Cost Factor

Initially, a cell phone can be a costly investment. While you may receive a free phone, chances are you'll have to pay for a more advanced model. If you end up going over your assign number of minutes, you could end up paying handsomely.

Yet, there are recognizable cost advantages correlated with wireless phones. Not having to pay for long-distance calls can save you big money. Also, free nighttime minutes can allow you to talk with your mother, father, or other out-of-state relatives at length without paying an additional fee. By integrate your phone bill and abolish your landline, you could presumably save, at the minimum, about $25 a month. That's $25 you could spend on restaurant meals, movies, or trips to museums.


Bing Bong Tec-While home phones are certainly convenient when you are at your apartment or house, they do you absolutely no good when you're out on the road. At such times, a cell phone is your best option. Therefore, if you're left with a choice between having a cell phone or a home phone, you might choose the cell simply for convenience's sake. Also, a cell phone may be the best security device you'll ever have. If you're walking home alone and you spot a suspicious-looking person coming toward you, you can simply whip out your cell phone and the police will arrive on the scene in a matter of minutes. It's been shown that women, in particular, feel more secure with a cell phone in their handbag.

Call Screening

With the typical landline plan, you have to pay extra for such features as caller ID and voice mail. Such additional fees can quickly add up, making your home phone bill unmanageable. However, caller ID and voice mail are standard equipment on cell phones, enabling you to manage calls easily and efficiently. With a cell phone in your pocket or purse, you never have to worry about missing an important call again.

Pulling the Plug on Telemarketing

One of the major disadvantages of home phone is the constant barrage of telemarketing calls you receive. Such calls inevitably occur right around dinner time, interrupting your schedule and leaving you frustrated and irritated. With a cell phone, however, you will be freed from such interruptions. Therefore, you won't have to worry about the "spam calls" that could plague you at home.

An Easy Transfer

You should be aware of the fact that transferring your home phone number to your cell phone is a relatively simple, painless procedure. Of course, you'll need to check with your cell phone provider first, but most major companies-including Verizon and Sprint-allow such local number portability.

The Time Factor

Bing Bong Tec-Once you obtained your cell phone, you might have wondered how you ever lived without it. You might have found it to be invaluable in keeping in touch with your spouse, your children, your parents, and other significant people in your life. If you're a person who is constantly "on the go," you might have also found that you used your cell phone more than your home phone. This may be reason enough for you to eliminate a landline from your home. The old-fashioned line may simply not be as useful as a cell phone.

Chief Disadvantage to Abandoning Your Home Phone

Of course, there are some disadvantages to dropping your landline in favor of a cellphone. The sound quality found in cell phones may not be as good as you'll find on landlines. In fact, your cell phone reception inside your home may be quite poor. As a result, it's a wise idea to check your reception before you take the serious step of cutting your landline. It's been said that cell phones are simply not as reliable as landlines. Also, you need to keep your cell phone constantly charged, or you could be in serious trouble. Consequently, if an emergency should strike, you could regret cutting out your home phone service-particularly if you have children in your home. You don't want your kids to be home alone with no phone in case there's a fire or other crisis.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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