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The Diamonds stared down at her expectingly.

White Diamond had her hand stretched down for her to step onto, ready for her to join them on their way back to Homeworld to live with them in their Palace. Blue and Yellow Diamond stood behind White with kind smiles.

Spinel's eyes shifted from each Diamond to Steven, as if asking him if this were a good idea. Steven only smiled and shrugged.


She began and didn't finish. She didn't know what to do. On one hand, she wanted to start over with the Diamonds, she wanted to make a better first impression with them. She also wanted to get as far away from Earth as possible so that she wouldn't have to live in guilt about what she did to Steven's home. And on the other hand, she wanted to make up for what she did. She wanted to stay on Earth and apologize to everyone she's hurt and help clean up the damage she caused.

The pink gem stared at the ground, clearly not knowing what to decide. Steven gave her a understanding glance and looked back up to the Diamonds.

"Maybe give her some time to think? You can come back tomorrow and see if she's made a decision by then." He suggested to them.

"Ohh, alright," White Diamond sighed, clearly disappointed. "We'll be back tomorrow, Spinel. Hopefully you'll make your decision by then." She said with a small smile.

"I'm sorry.." Spinel murmured, feeling slightly guilty.

"It's quite alright, little one. No pressure." Blue Diamond reassured her.

The three Diamonds said their goodbyes to Steven and his friends before boarding their ship, heading back to Homeworld. Steven stared after their parting ship with a smile before turning to his side, only to realize that Spinel had vanished.

Confused and concerned, Steven gazed around the damaged area for the pink gem. He spotted her stretching over a nearby hill. He quickly darted over to her, not hearing his friends and family yell after him to wait.

Once he reached the hill Spinel went over, he saw her standing still, gazing over the wrecked and destroyed town. Steven slowly walked up next to her and stood beside her, him too staring out at the town.

"Are.. you okay?" He asked softly, glancing her way.

Spinel frowned, still staring out at the town.

"I'm sorry."

"Spinel, it's okay, rea-"

"No it isn't!" Steven flinched as she turned to face him, glaring.

"I destroyed your home! I hurt your friends! I hurt you! I-I tried to kill you!! All because I was mad about something that you didn't even do!" Spinel was gripping her gem as she spoke, tears were threatening to fall from her eyes. Steven could only watch and listen.

"Why aren't you mad? Why aren't you beating me into a pulp right now? Why are you.." she trailed off, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Why are you being so nice to me.."

Steven stayed quiet for a moment, just to see if she had anything else to say. When she remained silent he spoke, "Spinel, everyone deserves a second chance. And believe it or not but, literally everyone in my family has almost killed me at some point hehe.." he chuckled.

Spinel looked up at him with a saddened expression, clearly not seeing the humor in what he said. Steven cleared his throat, "wh-what I mean is that.. even though you sometimes hurt people, it doesn't mean that automatically makes you a bad person or gem. Sometimes you're under the wrong influence or sometimes, you're hurt and don't know how else to deal with your emotions. And that's okay! As long as you're willing to change and at least give some effort to do so then.. that doesn't make you bad at all. To me at least heh."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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