I fell when you pushed me down
I fell when I looked in your eyes
i fell when I jumped off that building
you pushed me while I was down
falling to my doom
falling to my death
you didn't care
you just kept pushing me
pushing me closer to the edge
pushing me closer to the end
the end of my life
the harder you pushed
the farther I fell
the more pain I felt
the more I bled
the faster it ended
all of my life
it ended so fast
just one attempt
that just happened to work
one jump. One push
and the reason was you
you took it all
all of it
hurting me
killing me
ending it all
just one push
one push while I was down
one push to end it all
one push to end my life
I saw the ground
getting closer
until it hit me
I was dead
I could hear calls to 911
but I couldn't respond
I saw it end before my very eyes
I was dead