Chapter 1

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Zayn's Pov:

Another depressing day, in school.

I dressed quickly, in all black.

Everyone probably assumed, that I was depressed.

They would be right.

It was mainly because of my main bully, Harry Styles.

He had always hated me, but lately it had gotten even worse.

I winced as I pulled on my hoodie.

Harry had kicked me right in the ribs, and it hurt like hell.

But I wasn't about to tell anyone, I would look like a total baby.

I grabbed my bag and put my headphones in my ears.

My favorite singer came on, and I smiled secretly to myself.

It was Taylor Swift.

Hey don't judge me she has an amazing voice.

I put her music on shuffle, as I walked in school.

I sighed to myself, I was a complete loner.

I looked both ways, before making my way down the hallway.

But I never had very good luck.

Harry was right around the corner, and of course he was wearing his signature smirk.

Especially for me.

"Sup Malik?," Harry asks sneering.

"Leave me alone Styles," I say sassily, rolling my eyes at him.

"Whatever faggot." "You better be at the usual spot for your beating," Harry threatens, pushing my books out of my hands, and knocking them to the ground.

I glare at him, and bend over to pick my books up.

Harry kicks me, and I fall to the ground.

The bell rings, and I'm left on the ground, in a immense amount of pain.

Everyone scurries to class, but I just lay on the floor.

What's the point in getting up?

Harry was going to just beat me up later, and I was going to get detention again.

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