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Donatello's heart was racing the moment he knew of Y/n's current status. When it came to her being out here with the Foot Clan and police, it worried him to the highest point. He rushed over to her, looking over her forearms, neck, and face. "Y/n, are you hurt?" He asked her.

Knowing that Donnie was overprotective of Y/n really let her know he had a ton of love for her in his heart-- both friendly and romantically. She smiled at his words, reassuring him that she is safe from harm. She's glad to be rid of the Foot and Shredder's hooligans and shenanigans. "I'm okay. I'm not hurt, I promise you."

Donnie sighed in relief. "You had me worried."

"It takes a lot for some Foot Clan soldiers to take me down." She giggled at him, causing him to force a worried grin. While Donnie and Y/n were meeting up again, Casey Jones is being entertained by Michelangelo. More like Mikey is entertaining himself with the poor human. Leo and Raph actually got a good kick out of them because their little brother was putting on a show for them.

Since Casey has no idea who these guys are and what their relationship is with Y/n, she decided to push through the Brothers and explain. "Dude, relax." She chuckled, standing in front of the four tall mutants. "Casey, they're my friends... Well," She looks at Donnie behind her. "More than that." She smirked.

Donnie smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh, they're--they're you're friends." Casey muttered nervously, pointing his hockey stick at them.

Y/n nodded. "Yeah! The best friends I have." She glanced at Mikey. "Tell him."

"Yeah! Donatello over there in the purple," Mikey pointed at his taller brother. "He's a technical genius, who is technically a genius!" Mikey cackles. Donnie made a quick turn around with a hilarious-looking face, playing the part.

Y/n admired that her most recent crush was mentioned first. She remained close to him at all times since she thought of him as her home and someone she can completely rely on. Donatello is unique on earth, and that is what made her connection and relationship with him so meaningful. He gave her warm embraces and she relished them, feeling his warmth.

Michelangelo continued introductions for his brothers. "Raphael over here in the red! He's like a big cuddly teddy bear! If big cuddly teddy bears were incredibly violent." Mikey says quickly, causing his brother to smirk at those words. At least cockroaches weren't mentioned in his introduction...

"This is Leonardo." Mikey placed his hand on his big older brother. "He's in the blue. Fearless leader, silent but deadly." Both of them smiled before wrapping it up. "And I'm Michelangelo sporting my signature orange. I'm a triple threat, brains, brawn, and obviously and dazzling personality! Ladies like to call me Mikey."

"Are you done?" Leo asked Mikey.


This was a lot to take in for Casey, but he got the names and faces down right away. He just needed to understand this was going to become the new normal for him; seeing a bunch of mutants. As he had his moment to register the existence of talking turtles, Leo meets up with Y/n for an update. "Sorry, we're late, Y/n. Wanna walk me through what's going on here?" He asked as Raphael and Mikey purposely messed around with Mr. Jones.

Y/n nodded, happy to share the news with him. "Okay, so... April had to leave and that meant I did this whole thing by myself."

"By yourself?!" Donnie blurted.

"I ain't finished!" She said firmly. "I got up to the lab at TCRI and I found Shredder with Baxter and they mentioned something about opening a portal to another dimension." She pauses and brings out the same dart from her pocket which is from the lab, the one that was used on one of Shredder's henchmen. At least that's what Y/n thinks they are. "He took this purple ooze and injected it into those two criminals that escaped with him last night and somehow managed to turn them into a rhino and the other a warthog."

𝑨 𝑴𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕'𝒔 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕  (TMNT '16) 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝟏 **UNDER REVISION**❪✘❫Where stories live. Discover now