Not a typical omega pt.1

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 So just a disclamier I don't make any profit from this and that this is just a fanfiction please don't take this to seriously. If you're uncomfortable with smut/male on male/ language etc then please hit the back button. Lets begin shall we hmm.. This may have a few errors so please forgive me.


Hongjoong covered the mouth of a beta who had lost her mate to prevent giving away their location. He held the beta as her body withered in pain from her mating mark, signaling her connection to her mate was gone. His mom had woken him up earlier that night telling him to collect all the betas and omegas he could and bring them down to the underground cellar.

Before he could ask his mother what was happening the perimeter alarm went off. "You must save as many as you can son and rebuild a new pack." She told him as she pulled him with her. Hongjoong's parents were the alpha pair of their pack who were loved dearly by everyone. Hongjoong was their only child due to a difficult childbirth his mother had. His parents sensed that their omega son was stronger than most omega's as he displayed alpha traits as well. Hongjoong was loved nonetheless by his parents and other pack members. His father made sure that his son was able to defend not only himself but his pack as well while his mother taught him the role of an omega.

The pack house was in chaos when they reached the hallway as alpha's lead their mates to the cellar. Hongjoong spotted his childhood friends Wooyoung and Yunho being pushed his way and grabbed them "Where's Yeosong?" He asked the pair who told him they didn't know. The three omegas grabbed each other's hands as they made their way down the cellar joining the others who were holding one another.

"Close the cellar door now their coming!" A voice ordered that Hongjoong recognized as his father's voice. "Do not open this door no matter what you hear do you understand me son?" The omega nodded in understanding whining as his mom pulled him in for a hug. "I love you Hongjoong." She whispered in his ear as she let him go to shut the door to join her mate in battle.

Loud crashes could be heard above them followed by yelps and snarls as the battle continued. Hongjoong tried to comfort the betas and omegas who lost their mates as they were withering in pain. He had no choice but to gag them with the help of the others to not give away their position. Seeing his pact members in agony pained the omega as he looked away. Hongjoong tried communicating with his parents but got nothing until he felt his link to them vanish. The omega dropped to his knees as he tried to contact them only getting silence. A loud howling was heard before silence as tears filled Hongjoong's eyes. The head alpha of the mist pack was dead.

Wooyoung and Yunho ran to Hoongjoong's side restraining him as the omega was about to lose it. The omega could only claw the ground and whimper as he mourned the loss of his parents. The other pack members silently cried for their alphas as well as for Hoongjoong's parents.

"Hongjoong what's going to happen to us?" The tall dark brown-haired omega asked. The platinum-blond omega looked at his friend and notice the other members looking at him as well. "I don't know Yunho, my mother told me to rebuild our pact but without a mate or existing alpha I don't know how." He told the group while looking up the stairs. "It's been quiet for a while now." The platinum-blond omega stated as his ears perked up.

Seonghwa surveyed the destruction and bodies that laid before him as his pack members stood beside him looking on in horror. "This is getting out of hand father." He said to the large grey wolf in front of him. "I know son." His father told him as he shifted to his human form. A red hair alpha approached them. "There's only dead alphas and a few omegas but no betas, pups or other omegas around the alpha advised the pair.

"Mingi take San and Jungho with you and search the perimeter there's no way that's all the bodies." Their alpha commanded as the trio took off as Seonghwa and his father made their way to the pact house or what was left of it. The raven hair alpha closed his eyes as he let his hearing and smell take over when he picked up on a faint scent. He opened his eyes and followed the direction till it got stronger and lead him to a door. "Father" he shouted.

The Defiant Omega // Ateez AU *Omegaverse*Where stories live. Discover now