Chapter 1

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xxkyoxxo (3/7/12 8:16:56 PM): -He let out a groan,shambling along the dusty road,his head throbbed painfull as Katana jangled restlessy at his side.The parts of his dark hair that fell in his eyes,were soaked with blood it looked like it was his own blood but infact it wasn't it was someone elses,as he let out a shaky breath before falling to his knees.His eyes were squinted slightly as he tried to focus on the ground that had caught him but it wobbled and spun like a trippy image.before he finally passed out,he was injured but he hadn't realized that the body he was in now was weaker than his original form,and needed sleep and food.He was exhausted and on the verge of death but he had no clue no idea what the body wanted and it bothered him.He let out a groan starting blankly up at the sky as if waiting for death to come even though he couldn't die but the body could rot away leaving his spirit to drift,as he grumbled meaninglessly for someones ears to hear.-"Damn...why do i feel so awful?Did someone curse me to be in eternal agony or something.."

usui101 (3/7/12 8:24:24 PM): -she was just a plain ordinary girl. no real talents, no amazing looks, no superb intellect. just an average girl. she walked along a road, not really fitting her image. it was dark and sort of had an eerie aura about it. nonetheless she had to walk this path for the fear of THEM finding her. when she was almost out of breath, ready to take a nap of some sorts she saw a strange boy kneeling in pain a few yards ahead of her. she immediately thrusted into a full blown sprint until she made it to him. she gasped for air and her hands laid on her knees as she was hunched over. just as she was about to open her mouth and speak she saw the boy. she stood there for a good 5 minutes taking in what the boy looked like as he laid there not really focused on anything. finally she managaged to get a few words out inbetween huge breaths of air before going back to gapping at him. " OMG what happened to you? are you ok!"

xxkyoxxo (3/7/12 8:29:35 PM): -He didn't look at her or say anything for a few seconds but finally he flinched at the sound of the girls voice as if it caused him major pain.His spoke his voice holding a sacrastic tone,which suited him perfectly fine.-"Do I look okay?"-His eyes finally drifted to meet hers,but they were unlike any persons the irises were deep crimson red like endless voids of blood,as he looked at her with a scrutinizing gaze as if picking apart her very soul each second he looked at her.But then he let out a dull sigh,and groaned.-"No I'm not okay,I feel awful and I have no idea why...."-As soon as he spoke his dilema his stomach grumbled rather abnoxiously,and he groaned with it.-"My body keeps getting tired,and grumbling so much I can't think straight,or see straight or even walk straight..tell me whats wrong with me now."

usui101 (3/7/12 8:33:24 PM): She continued to stand there gapping for only a few seconds until she kneeled over practically laughing out her guts. She couldn't contain herself. her first thoughts was that this boy might be extremely dangerous but she has this feeling that he just has a tough exterior. "Have you ever thought for a second that you might be hungry" She squats down with her hands on her knees and continues to talk to him. "The reason your so tired is you haven't given yourself a break for a while... I mean look at you, you look like you could fall apart any minute. Everything else is probably just from lack of hunger. if you dont have any money i can treat you this one time"

xxkyoxxo (3/7/12 8:36:46 PM): -He blinked,his face utterly serious,and non-understanding.-"My bodies like this from stupid hunger?!?And your laughing?And I hve given myself a break I'm laying down aren't I thats a break isn't it?"-His voice sounded harsh but it was only his reaction to things like this,he wasn't used to be so much weaker and insignificant that he used to be,he thought about how he'd seen humans act before and remembered that they weren't as harsh as he was being,but he frowned to himself momentarily forgetting about the girl for a second as his thoughts reeled through the past,but he snapped back to reality in a second.-"You'd 'treat' me to food?Is this a trick,some cruel joke?"

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