Part 1

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Lizzie woke to a sharp humming from her PC. What's going on?!  when she went over to her PC it was on Minecraft. "Well that's strange." she mused. Suddenly one of the worlds started to glow an ominous green. When she clicked on the world a strange tingling sensation came over here and her surroundings started to change...  

When she opened her eyes Lizzie noticed her surroundings were different, gone was comforting her room and in it's place was wilderness. But then she noticed a wooden house. She cautiously went over to investigate knowing Minecraft was a dangerous place. abruptly the door burst open and a green skinned person came over to her shouting "Lizzie!" at first Lizzie's mind went blank who was this person and what was he doing, then it clicked she remembered the Minecraft skin. It was Joel running towards her.  "Lizzie come in quick we were in desperate of help!"  

"What do you need? who's hurt, and who all is in this world?"

"well there's us, Lauren, Scott, Joey, Oli, Callum, Megan, Stacy, Shelby, and Yammy. and Lauren's hurt a cave spider bit her." Lizzie ran inside to confirm this wasn't a dream. and sure enough  Lauren, Scott, Joey, Oli, Callum, Megan, Stacy, Shelby, and Yammy were all there. Stacy then said "Callum Oli and I should get some food, we don't have any and Lauren is hungry so she can't regenerate health."  

"But it's nighttime and we're in a modded world it's very dangerous." Joel argued. Stacy argued back " But this is minecraft if we die we'll just respawn outside here."        

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