07 || Revenge!!

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Revenge is happening tonight. Y/n isn't sure if this is a good idea. But she had to think that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity! So, she did want revenge. Later that night, Y/n went to the store with Memo and Bee to pick up toilet paper and two brand-new cartons of eggs. This is going to be a blast for the three of them.

"Okay..." Y/n took a deep breath and holds up one of the new rolls of toilet paper. "Bee, this is Tina's house. And this is toilet paper." She whispered to him.

Bee's optics widen. 

"You use it for when you..." Y/n didn't feel like explaining this. "Here, just take a roll." She handed it to Bumblebee who took it into his users and squeezed it, watching the roll burst. "No, no, no. You gotta throw it." Y/n takes a new roll from the package, unrolls some of it, and chucked it at one of the trees in front of Tina's house.

Bumblebee thought this was amusing and decided to take it many steps further. He snatched the entire package of toilet paper from Memo and chucked the dozens of rolls over Tina's house. Both teenagers look up at the paper flying down on the roof and they let out a chuckle or two. When Y/n realized this Bot was having fun with lifeforms, not of his kind, she knows she couldn't lose him. He's too special. He means too much to her and she's attached to a being that is somewhat human.

"Well... uh, Bee, you can be our egg man." Memo said, picking up the two cartons of eggs. He opened the box up and let Bee take a look at them. Memo takes an egg out and demonstrates how to "properly" use an egg. "Grab one of these like so and aim at your target." He pointed to Tina's trashy-looking car in the driveway.

The egg splattered all over the front windshield of her vehicle. Bee had another impulsive thought. He took both cartons of eggs and quietly tiptoed to Tina's car. Y/n and Memo watch, hoping he didn't make too much noise.

Next, Bee collides the cartons together in his hands and slathered the top of the car in yolk and egg whites. Y/n laughed with Memo because Bee was doing a lot more damage than he should be doing.

Bee's POV

This is fun! Rubbing small round white things on top of cars is quite amusing. And toilet paper is so... plush.

I look at Y/n from the car while I damaged the surface with eggs... And I decided to take it up a notch by hitting the car until the roof caved in. It escalated to where I began jumping on it and found this was something I will enjoy forever. The alarm is sounding and I believe we need to do this on my planet. My family would enjoy vandalizing things we don't like.

Y/n was hiding. But why? I did what she told me. If she hides, I hide. So, I flipped the car over on its side and hunker down behind it. Then, Y/n told me to come to her. in my disguise and quickly, I roll up to my girl and Memo. I open the driver's side door so they can get inside my interior and make a quick escape from Tina's house

I race down the street with the teenagers laughing and hooting up a storm. Revenge was a success. For the first time, I think I did great. I want to do it again sometime.

I carried on down the road at a high speed because we had to make a quick getaway. But I didn't know my speed was being monitored by a thing called law enforcement. 

"Bee, that was insane. You're awesome!" Y/n giggled in the driver's seat. "My heart is going crazy."

Her heart is going crazy? Does... Does that mean--

Sirens began hooting behind us and those red and blue lights let me know I got these kids in trouble. So, the only way to avoid trouble is to outrun the cops. "Bee, why are speeding up? Bee?!"

"I can't drive 55!" My radio played.

I swerved on the road behind other cars, trying to get around them somehow. I found a side road and thought this might help us get away. The road is so narrow that I had to take out one of my arms and grab onto the rail as sparks flew on the passenger's side.

"Oh, my god!!" Y/n yelled frantically.

I make it back on the road and see a tunnel up ahead. I got a plan that is destined to work!

"Oh, my gosh, we're committing a felony!" Y/n whined.

The police car is coming closer, catching up, and able to see through my windows. I forced the seats back so Y/n and Memo can't be seen by the law.

There are hazard signs in here and I had no choice but to ram over them and keep driving. Pretty soon, the cop pushed me closer to the tunnel wall and caused me to thin out my form out and push Y/n and Memo closer together. Gosh, I hate this...

I hopped off the walls and road, climbing the wall, transformed from car to robot, and landed on top of the police car's hood to launch forward. I transformed into my beetle form and sped down the tunnel, leaving the cop in my dust.

After a few seconds of escaping the law, I heard Y/n and Memo begin to laugh. I think it is crazy we escaped the cops!

I'm not too shabby.

In a matter of minutes, I them home safely. Y/n said good night to Memo before closing the garage door and coming up to my open driver's window. I buzzed to her happily, glad to know she isn't in trouble and that she is safe with me. Wherever she goes, I want to be there for her.

Y/n's POV

"Bee, you're magnificent. Thanks for getting us outta there." I said to him, touching his hood. "You really know how to make fun and of course, make me smile,"

One of my best friends is a robot and I gotta say he is the best guy I ever met. Memo is okay, but I think he and I should remain friends. Bumblebee is special. There is something about him I can't describe in words, writing, or art. 

He just helped me forget about all the negative things happening in my life or my family. I love how he is always there for me, making sure I am happy and not gloomy.

I don't only think of him as my friend... I feel something that I never thought would rise from me. It's like i have feelings for this car, this robot, this... humanoid being who is full of humor and love. Whatever he is, he feels things.

And me... I don't know what to feel right now. I went to bed and slept on it.

The next morning I made some pop tarts and walk back into the garage to see Bee is still inside here, covered up by a tarp I put over him last night. "Hey, buddy. I got to go to work, okay?"

Bee quickly opened up the driver's side door. I love how silly he is.

"Oh, Bee. Listen to me. You need to stay in the garage, okay? After what happened last night, I'm pretty sure the cops are looking for you, and you don't exactly blend in." I covered him up some more with the tarp. "I'll be back, all right?"

Bee whined quietly. I want to take him with me, too, but I cannot risk people taking him away from me. To see if it makes him feel better, I place my pop tart on his hood. "Here. You can have my pop tart."


If you are a fan of TMNT, please check out my scenarios or Mutant Apocalypse series. Thanks!

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