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Everything was simply tossed away after everything they had been through and accomplished together. One night, both she and Donnie unexpectedly entered each other's lives at the exact same second, minute, and hour. She's currently sprinting through the streets of New York in an effort to get home so she can sob into her pillow. He is everything to her, thus for him to choose that path was self-centered. Y/n also had a choice.

Her cheeks, nose, and forehead became chilly as a result of the wind's repeated contact. However, the tears kept falling; they were like an unending deluge. Her legs and arms are sore from all the exercise, and her lungs are panting for air. Y/n feels furious, indignant, and perplexed about what just transpired. She had previously been permitted to assist with certain aspects of the Mutant Brothers, but now this villain and his goons have appeared, she is no longer welcome.

But she didn't have to listen to Donnie's words. She could have proved him wrong.

Y/n turned the corner of her street, getting much closer to home. One step closer and she won't have to deal with those brothers anymore. She can just continue her life as a normal teenager and get a job. No more distractions. Does she consider them distractions? No, how could she? They mean the world to her and she had a great relationship with each one, as well as Splinter.

And without a warning and a thought to process it, Y/n's body is forced into the shadows. She is grabbed by immaculate strength with an unknown grip and many voices. A gloved hand is slapped around her mouth to prevent her from screaming and she felt a pair of handcuffs restrain her wrists. She did what she could to scream, wiggle, and squirm but her escape was unsuccessful.

"Shut up!" A man roared at her, bringing a damp rag to her nose and mouth. "Get her to Shredder!" He demanded the other men, smothering the fabric against her face. Within a few seconds, Y/n quit fighting and her world went black.


Donatello was still deeply troubled by it, almost to the point of breaking since he had to do one of the most challenging tasks of his life. Someone as special as the girl who had abruptly entered his life made him experience emotions he had never felt before. He felt secure around her for once without even needing to remain underground for protection. However, he could not stand for her to be in danger. He was deeply saddened that the person he loved most couldn't be at his side just because he was unique and that his life was inherently risky.

For now, without thinking about it, he needed to remain focused and do what Leonardo had told him to do; figure out the purple ooze's functions and intentions.

"All right, Donnie, you got this." He said, bringing the sample to his microscope and getting a closer look. He takes in a deep breath. "Okay. Dissolve the quadra-helix bonds and reverse the cohesion..." Donnie takes a short pause, realizing what had come to his smart brain. "Wait. That would mean... Is it really possible?" He trailed off.

He sat back in his chair, realizing what he just discovered, and thought back to Y/n. There's a solution to this! He can take this chance and... And be with her on the surface. He felt his heart quicken due to the sudden update on the ooze.

Out of excitement, Donatello removes a sample of the purple ooze from his lair so he can share it with Leo. Once he located his brother in his room sharpening and cleaning his katanas, he called out. "Oh, Leo! Leo!" He exclaimed. "Oh, this is amazing!" He finally stopped in front of Leonardo. "Okay, I made a solution from a sample of the purple ooze, right, to expedite the analysis of the isotope? But while I was waiting for it to catalyze, I started thinking... If the purple ooze can turn humans into animals, perhaps if properly re-engineered... watch this, watch this. It can turn us..." Donnie gestured for Leo to step a little closer. Then, Don squeezed a single drop of ooze with an eyedropper on the back of his hand. "Into humans..."

𝑨 𝑴𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕'𝒔 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕  (TMNT '16) 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝟏 **UNDER REVISION**❪✘❫Where stories live. Discover now