Vash-Vishara's backstory

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I grew up in Northlight, with both of my parents and my four siblings. My father, Ulad-Khoratari, is a paladin following the oath of the ancients. My mother, Tana-Lanhareth, is a professor of the medicinal and alchemical arts. She works at the college of Northlight, a prestigious school for divinity. My mother was 18 and my father was 20 when they had me. Two years later they had my sister, Nari-Nevitash, followed by the triplets, Kosh-Coratosh, Ashana-Davalash and Ishara-Valakhad one year later.

            We were one of the wealthier families, but not at the top. I was a quiet kid and never really spoke much, I rarely got mad or sad and I never threw tantrums. I would always take the fall for my siblings if they did something stupid, though my parents saw through it as a am bad at lying. I was quick to learn and perfect things, and would always help others to understand. My father always told me stories about his adventures and that his group always missed the hidden doors, and he told me to always look for hidden doors.

           I was very close with my siblings, and I would help the babysitter watch and take care of them. I had made two good friends that I would regularly hang out with, a gnomish girl named Breena Timbers and an Elven man named Soveliss Amakiir. They were quite a bit older than me but we got along very well. Breena was a small inventor in the town, and Soveliss was a monk who disappeared and reappeared randomly. I always felt it was easier to get along with those who were older than me, as the spirit I am bound to is very wise.

          At the age of 12 my parents had me take over watching my siblings full time and relieved the babysitter of her job, so I had alot less time to myself. Most of my siblings were very different from me, they were roudy and loud, they got mad and sad easily. They threw tantrums when a toy got taken, and would fight. I was able to calm them down, by reading a story or by playing games with them, and they weren't picky eaters which made meal time easy. Our parents weren't home very often but I was still close with them.

          The College of Northlight recognized my wisdom, maturity and ability to learn and had me leave common school to learn at the college at age 14. I had less time to watch my siblings but Nari-Nevitash was old enough to start watching the triplets. Kosh-Coratosh was mad that Nari took over and I left to study, and stopped talking to me. I was upset and tried to reason with him but he was to mad to listen. Soveliss came to me later that night and comforted me, telling me that he will understand when he's older. Soveliss always had a strange ability to tell when I was sad and always new what to do, and how to comfort me.

          I joined a group of scholars that followed Kelemvore and studied the undead. I quickly realized that this was my calling, and started training to become a cleric of the grave. I had alot on my plate at age 15. I had my studies, a job at Breena's shop, taking care of my siblings part time and trying to keep my parents proud. I was constantly overwhelmed, and worried I would upset my family though the only one who was ever mad at me was Kosh. I prayed that Soveliss was right, but Kosh never forgave me despite my desperate attempts to mend our relationship.

           Soveliss was strange to me. In Autumn he has red hair, brown eyes with faint orange leaves on the outside edge of his iris,  slightly darkened skin. In summer he has golden hair and stunning green eyes, with slightly lighter skin and freckles. In winter he has silver hair, grey eyes with white drawings of snow in the same place the leaves reside, and he's unnaturally pale. In spring he has brown hair, honey colored eyes with butterfly drawings in them, and fair skin with freckles. His hair is always long and usually pulled into a ponytail, he only lets it down when he's in comfortable company.

          Whenever Soveliss was in the town for a long period of time he would get really restless and would leave for little bits at a time, but never said where he was going. I've noticed that the season not only effects his appearance, but also his personality. In the Autumn he is calm and content, very peaceful. In the summer he is very bold, and energetic. In the winter he's not around much, he's very contemplative and almost sad. In spring he's playful and full of cheer. No matter his mood though, he's always there for me.

            Breena is super sweet, hyper and talkative. I may work for her but she still treats me like a friend, since that's how we started out. She's always wanted to travel and sell her goods on the road. She used to tease me all the time about how close Soveliss and I were, since she didn't even see him as I did. She invented many things, and really started to grow and lots of people from different places went to Northlight just to see her. She was always like a sister to me.

           I graduated at 18 and decided I wanted to become an adventurer so I could help people, and stomp out all the undead creatures of the world. Not long after I told Breena, she decided to take her shop on the road and head south, to a bigger city. Soveliss gave me a necklace with elven symbols on it, though he never told me what it meant. My family encouraged my goals and helped me get started on my path. I travelled from village to village helping them with their troubles for half a year before I found companions. Soveliss would somehow find me and check in on how I was doing.

          I was staying in an old village in a busy rundown tavern working on a job of clearing out some goblins, when a group of adventurers sat at my table. They were looking for work as well so I offered to let them work my job with me and I would split the reward. No sooner than I spoke the four of us were on our way to clear out the goblins. It was a pretty basic job but we all got payed and I was expecting to head out solo again, but they wanted me to join their party so I did. There was an Air Genasi named Sky who was a monk, a tiefling named Akmenos who was a bard and a centaur named Dunja who was a barbarian.

          Soveliss Seemed relieved that I found companions, and continued to check in on me. We decided to name ourselves The Undead Hunters as we mainly took jobs to wipe out the undead. Dunja came up with the name, and she seemed very proud of the name so we kept it. We bumped into Breena a couple times on the road and she stocked us up with what we needed. She had gotten very successful and had a dwarf travelling with her. Soveliss had stayed in touch with her as well but she said he didn't visit as much as what I was saying. He made sure our letters got back and forth to each other.

          Breena and the dwarf, Thorin, ended up getting married and setting shop down an a city permanently. The Undead Hunters continued working, dealing with more than just the undead. We had taken a job to investigate an unnamed forest that had strange occurrences, and despite my bad feeling about it we took the job. I told Soveliss about it and he told me not to, that it was to dangerous. I tried to calm him down and tell him we would be fine but, he was still very worried. That was the night before we left.

         We got lost as soon as we entered the forest it seemed, and we just travelled in circles further into the it. My bad feeling just kept getting worse and I was playing the conversation I had with Soveliss over and over in my head. As we were trying to navigate, a giant beetle burst out of the ground and attacked us. We tried to hold our ground, but soon Akmenos fell, and then sky and I wasn't able to get to them. Dunja just kept swinging at the thing and she dealt quite a load of damage, but fell victim to the beetles pincers. I was able to kill it with my spiritual weapon just before it almost killed me, and I fell unconscious.

          When I came to it was early morning and I was very sore. When I got up I saw that Sky, Dunja and Akmenos were all dead. I spent the morning mourning over the loss of my comrades, and I gave them all blessings as I buried them. I prayed to Kelemvore for a long time, so that they would stay dead and not raise again. I cursed at myself for not listening to Soveliss or my own intuition, and for the first time in a long time I felt genuinely sad and scared. But I had to find a way out so I gathered myself and my things, and set off.

         I had been in the forest for weeks and I was on my last set of rations, when I smelled smoke. I followed the smell to a camp of other adventurers. There was a human and an orc with a cart, and they had two fire burials indicating that someone had died. They invited me to travel with them as I'm sure that i looked rough.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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