Chapter 1

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Kendra's POV
"Here we are" my mum said putting a smile on her face more like a smirk
"Bye" I waved and walked out

A women with blonde hair opened the door smiling "Hey you must be Kendra Brooke is watching t.v call me if you need anything or stuff ok" I nodded before I could say anything was was off

I walked into the liven room to reveal a young girl about 8 watching the Simpsons

"Hi Brooke my name is Kendra" I said before waving "Nice to meet you"

"BROOKE WHAT DA HELL" a boy around my age maybe a year older came running downstairs he was holding a shampoo bottle whilst little parts of his hair was pink

Brooke just laughed and laughed before she was in tears
"Oh hey you must be Kendra I'm Charlie Brooke's big brother"
"Oh hey so what's wrong?"

"Well little missy here put pink hair in my shampoo bottle and now I have pink strands of hair"
I laughed and looked at Brooke before giving her a high five

"Charlie if you don't mind I know how to get this out"
His face light up "REALLY?"
"Yea come on" I walked upstairs before Charlie following after me whilst Brooke was still in tears of laughter

We walked into the bathroom

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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