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      Every heard of the word 'runt' well that's what I am also an Omega. I'm very weak and get scared very easily. I'm bisexual but prefer girls. Let me tell you a story about me. My name is Charlotte Anderson. I'm submissive.

      Third person

      The Alpha of the Eclipse Pack was pacing back and forth. He was really worried about his mate. She's been in the delivery room for 36 hours. His Beta and his mate were there. But the poor Omega was in heat. The Alpha could sense it. His mate was in heat six months ago.
       His little boy was there to he was only two years old. His mom and dad were there and his dad was holding the two year old. The Beta also had a daughter that was two years old. His mom was holding her.
       "Dude please calm down." his Beta said
        "SHUT UP!" he shouted looking at him.
      The Omega whimpered and lowered his head showing his neck in submission. The Beta put his arms around his mate protectively. The Alpha sighed and walked over to them.
      "Omega," the Alpha said softly
      "Y-yes A-alpha?" he asked stuttering
       "May you please go with your mate and let him help you?" the Alpha asked
        The Omega nodded and looked at his mate.
       "Help me please." the Omega begged
        The Beta smirked and got up with his mate in his arms. He walked away and the Alpha sighed. He sat down and was bouncing his knee. His wolf was pacing back and forth in his head. It was giving him a headache. But he understands why his wolf is doing this.
        They heard a scream and the Alpha shot up to his feet. The screams continued then he heard a howl. Then he heard his mate sceam again it was going on for two minutes then he heard a another howl. Then his nates screams came once again it was going longer than three minutes and he then heard a whimper.
       Nothing else was heard and the door opened. The Theta came out with a big smile on her face. She bowed her head in respect.
       "Alpha your mate is going just fine and so is your sons and daughter." she said
      He had tears in his eyes. He always wanted a daughter but it never happened.
       He rushed to the room seeing his mate laying down and three cribs with a pup in each. He walked over to them and kissed her lips. He really wanted to further but his mate was tired and probably didn't want to.
      His wolf was basically in control to. He let out a growl when the Alpha pulled away.  
        Liam Anderson's P.O.V
       My wolf growled "mine," before reconnecting our lips.
       "Mm," she moaned
       I pulled back my wolf back and pulled away.
       "Sorry about that love." I said
       "It's fine Liam." she said
       She reached over and pulled out one pup. She handed me it and I took it in my arms. The pup was pure black. He had a dominant scent but not to powerful.
       "He's going to be a great lead warrior." I said
       "Here's your future Zeta." my mate said handing me another pup. It was a gray pup with a white tail.
        I smiled and kissed its forehead. I handed them back to her and she laid them in their cribs. She picked up another pup and handed me it.
        "Be carful she's smaller than her brothers." she said
       I took the pup and looked at her. She was a white wolf but was a runt. It was a future Omega.
       "H-how?" I asked
       "Don't know but we will love her no matter what." she said
      "Of course I will." I said
      I sat down with the pup in my arms. It let out a cute whimper and I knew the perfect name.
      "Let's name her Charlotte." I said
      "Perfect name," my mate said
      I rocked Charlotte in my arms and my mate sighed.
      "Alright give me my daughter." she said
     "Aww but I don't wanna." I said
     "You can hold her later." she said
      I handed Charlotte to my mate and she layed her in her crib.
      "What about the males?" she asked
      I thought about it and figured Alex and Charlie will work.
     "Alex for the black wolf and Charlie for the gray and white wolf." I said
     "Perfect," she said
     She layed down closing her eyes. I growled a bit because I loved sleeping next to her. She moved over and I got in bed next to her. I put my arms around her and pulled her into my chest. We both closed our eyes and fell asleep.
     Five years later

    Charlotte's P.O.V
    All the pups were in they're wolf forms. We all learned to go in our human forms already but spent most of our time in wolf forms. My wolf was still small. 
    Pups bullied me because of my rank as Omega. I was only two feet which is going to be the size of my wolf. I was also forced to eat last. Which is basically nothing.
      My brothers are very protective over me. There is Lucas he's seven years old and the future Alpha. The most dominant and most protective. His wolf is pure black. Then there's Alex the future warrior and is also dominant he's also a black wolf. He's the second protecttive one. The they'res Charlire hes a gray and white wolf. He's dominant and a future Zeta. Third protective.
       They'll literally hurt anyone who messes with me and hurts me. I sat down watching the pups play together. I wanted a friend to play with.
      Three wolves came up to me. I got up whimpering. I crouched down, ears flat back and tail tucked between my legs.
      "Aww look Omega is scared." a brown pup said
      He brought his paw up and brought it down across my eye. I whimpered in pain falling down.
     "Tell anyone and you'll get worse." a red pup said
     They walked away leaving a white pup near me.
     "You're so weak," he said before walking away.
      I got up and rushed to the den. I shifted into my human form. I got in my clothes and moved some of my hair over my left eye and I walked in.
     I saw Lucas talking with dad and mom. I felt tears and I rushed over hugging him. I let tears fall down my face.
      He looked at me and his eyes went red.
      "Who did it?" he growled turning around hugging me.
       I didn't answer and he sighed pulling away.
      "Why are you covering half of your face?" he asked
      I just let more tears fall down my face. He moved a hand up and moved my hair out of the way. He froze when he saw my eye.
     "Who did it?" he ordered
      I did know they're name and I couldn't lie to him. But I also didn't want to get hurt anymore.
     "What's wrong with sis?" Alex and Charlie asked coming
     I turned around and they froze when they saw my eye.
     "Who did it." they growled
     There was no point in lieing and not telling them. I whiped my tears before answering.
     "T-three p-pups c-came u-up t-to m-me. T-they're n-names a-are A-Andrea, J-James, and J-Jose." I stuttered
      "Who hurt you?" Lucas asked
       "J-James," I stuttered
       "Well someone want to end up in the pack hospital." Lucas said
       "Please don't hurt them." I begged
       "Why not?" he asked
       "Andrea said if I tell anyone I'll get worse." I answered
       "Alright well let mom help you eye out." Charlie said
      Lucas walked to my brothers and I walked to my mom. She kneeled down and looked at my eye.
      She grabbed a first aid kit and started fixing me up. She finished cleaning it and said "open your eye."
      I obeyed and I wasn't able to see through it. 
      "Mom I can't see." I said and started panicking
      "I'm. Going. To. Kill. Them." Dad growled
       Mom quickly got to her feet hugging her mate. My dad calmed down instantly. He hugged my mom and he froze.
       "Are you in heat?" he asked
       "Yeah but its not that bad?" she said
       My dad dragged my mom to their room shutting a door. I was confused and looked at my brothers.
      "What's a heat?" I asked
      "Don't know," Lucas said
      "Let's go to your room though." Lucas said
      We all walked to my room and closed the door. We sat down and played a game. We were hearing noises in our parents room but didn't worry about it. I felt tired so I layed down and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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