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She lay flat on this table, the bindings still pressing into her wrists and ankles, and she could feel the scorching sensation within her head starting to subside. She was in so much pain just a few seconds ago that her eyes were beginning to water. But what exactly happened? What had Shredder and Stockman done to her? Y/n was too fearful to move or else she'd be even more frightened. She is positive that her body has changed from that purple ooze! It had to be the purple ooze since because why else would she be here? For a tea party? Y/n saw some kind of purple liquid in Baxter's hands just before this happened. It was just that she refused to believe it. However, she could hear Stockman's lively laughing erupting.

"Remarkable!" Stockman says aloud, opening the glass sliding door to approach Y/n on the table. He could die happier now! Stockman is so proud of himself that he can't quit looking at the newest mutant of Shredder's army. "Oh, you are going to be a great soldier for Master Shredder, darlin'!"

Y/n gulped, the tears streaming down the sides of her head, noticing that it wasn't soaking into her hair... Does she even have hair now? All she did was stare at the laboratory's ceiling, unsure if she should move any part of her body. And after her shocking transformation, all she could think about was Donatello and where he could be right now. She yearned for his touch and comfort-- she needed him now.

Before she could register the change, Stockman adjusted the table to be upright with Y/n still strapped into the table. This reminded Y/n of Steve Rogers' transformation! Y/n gasped, feeling the sudden jolt and jerks until she was sitting up tall against the table and looking into the reflection of the glass window just a few feet in front of her. She couldn't get a clear view of her appearance because of the bright lights shining on her newly created body, but she could see her figure and how different and unique her shape is.

Then, Stockman rushed in front of Y/n, bringing a hand-held mirror up in front of her face to reveal her new look. As soon as Y/n's reflection showed up in the reflection, her eyes widened at the sight of what she was. She didn't have the words-- she was speechless... hurt and defeated.

Besides the leads and cords connected to her temples, Y/n saw that her human eyes are no longer e/c, but they are now (new eye color) with hints of (color accent). Her cute nose was a pair of nostrils, her skin was a rough yet soft textured reptilian surface, and her chest was a much lighter (secondary color). Next, Y/n peered down at her torso and feet which had dramatically changed as well. There are more cords and wires attached to her chest she could see through the torn fabrics of her clothes, indicating that Stockman is monitoring her vital signs. The clothing she wore as a human is still snug on her arms, bust, and lower region.

And she looks back up into the mirror. Y/n noticed her head had no hair on top of it anymore, just a bald crown full of skin that was similar to the Turtle Brothers'. What really threw her off was a thick tail starting at her lower back and drooping next to her legs. This is impossible, but it is possible! She's a victim of this intelligent scientist, Shredder, and his henchmen.

"Amazing, right?" Baxter asked her, still giving her that stupid grin. He didn't care about her well-being at all-- only that the transformation was a great success.

Y/n narrowed her eyes at Stockman, giving him a threatening glare that he would regret doing this. She could feel her throat prepping a low growl of anger as she trailed her highly advanced lizard eyes to her right arm and saw her now four-digit hand. The newly created lizard yanked her wrist from the restraints, building up her strength which had concerned Baxter. Quickly, he backed away and went straight for his lab drawers to find a sedative, but before he could do so, thankfully, Y/n broke free from her binds on the upright table. She screamed loudly, noticing that Shredder and his henchmen were going to attempt to stop her.

𝑨 𝑴𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕'𝒔 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕  (TMNT '16) 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝟏 **UNDER REVISION**❪✘❫Where stories live. Discover now