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I got in the car and looked back at my old house.

"Man i'm gonna miss this place..." I whisper to myself as I blinked back tears remembering the memories that happened in this little town called "Derry".

The worst part was that I couldn't remember the clown or the missing kids, it's like I've been brainwashed to forget that. I sat down in the leather seat and sighed thinking about leaving. My brain is filled with sorrow and sadness knowing that this is the end of me and the losers friendship.

"Bye bye Derry..." i mumbled as my head turned down to my Walkman.

 Bill and Stanley had made me a playlist of music before i left for Hawkins, My sweaty fingers touched the play button on the Walkman and played "Africa" by Toto. I just sat there as i zoned out then falling asleep. I dreamed about still seeing the losers and staying in Derry and Riding our bikes, listening to music as we screamed the lyrics,ranting about bowers and most importantly the quarry. We always hung out at the quarry even though I couldn't swim, I always went on Richie's back when we did chicken fights.

"Y/n, wake up.." said a voice while shaking me.

"Huh?" I asked as I woke up from that awesome dream.

"Were here." said the unrecognizable person as they got out of the car. 



hey guys this is the sequel to the book stars! If you haven't read that yet then check it out because this book will not make sense if you don't read that first. sorry that this first chapter is short, it's because i'm working on another book currently (smoke buddy)! thanks for getting me so far. bye and wash you're hands! 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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