chapter one: captain are you okay?

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Luffy woke up feeling weird... hm.. wonder whats wrong? O well! Food.

Luffy along with everyone else was up and waiting for breakfest. Luffy wasn't kicked out of the kitchen.

He was bored but wasn't whining.

Robin luffy stated more of asked. Yes luffy-kun?

What are you reading today?

Mm nothing except a book about the new world sea that shows how much a captain loves his crew, wanna read it?

Luffy actually looked around and then took it thanks robin. A huge grin appeared as luffy started reading on the "head" of the ship. Oi! Luffy come eat!

Everyone was waiting for their captain. Coming! Luffy came into the kitchen still reading, he was actually half way through... oi! Stop acting like your reading sanji threw the book over board on accident.

Oi sorry captain... everyone stared as luffy was soaking wet except the book was dry.

Robin I saved the book! Robin was relieved since she did like that certain book, thank you luffy. Sanji if you ever throw another book im reading over board you will retrieve it! Luffy said with authority. Zoro looked up and stayed silent as did everyone else. You all can eat, im gonna go change.

~Ten minutes later~

Luffy I hope you know all the food is- the captain was on merry's head reading.

Robin was sitting not far from their reading the second book. Luffy jumped down talking with Robin asking for something that sanji nor zoro could hear.

Okay Robin nodded handing him a key. You may go and read but not the big blue book... okay! Luffy nodded while going to read some more. Three hours later a loud crash was heard... everyone ran and seen.... luffy staring at a page while re-reading it. He stopped and put the books the fell back up on the shelf. Hm Robin sure has plenty to read.

Luffy smiled as he seen the big blue book... robin said no...

Luffy sat down and continued on the eighth book of the series which was the very last one.

Luffy went to find Robin when everyone ran in scared and jumpy what's wrong?!

Nothing Luffy stated monotone voice. Hey robin whats another good book?

Well Luffy why not come with me next time an island comes up and try and get a few books?

Luffy froze then he remembered something and actually thought of something important. Crew after were done on moko koco island, were headed to rex lion wolf island! Everyone froze...

The island that is cursed and said to eat people!!!!

Uh.... Rex doesn't eat many people he.... never mind.

Anyway its not an option for decision the captain has spoken and were leaving two days after this island coming up ahead we attend to get supplies okay he stated and smiled a grin calming their nerves. Unless your all scared! ^~^

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