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Dull silenceness. Dark shadows, and clouds above the sky. Fear, and tears, and rain.

That's how that day was. It was dark, and rainy. Like it was predicting the future. A bad omen.

A black feather flew across the sky that day.

An aengel was born. No...the baby was a daemon. He was the bad omen. The one, whose faith was written in stone. He, as he was born bad, and evil, he would have to die. This world was too cruel to believe otherwise. They would find him, and finish him. But only, if they find out who he is.

Many Years later, the boy grew up. He fell in love, he had something that he could call a family. That didn't last long. A series of unfortunate events ruined the harmony. He was betrayed. He was broken.

And on that day, the skies were black, with dark clouds. The silence came back. The rain was pouring, with showers.

He walked himself to prison. He told them everything, for his beloved. He knew, he had to die. It was written in stone, after all. He wasn't naive to try to change that. He had already given up half of his life, for his beloved. The other half was not so important, then. If it could save her, and protect her, he did not need it.

"I see..." He said, and paused for a second. "I really hoped there was another solution." He smiled softly, but that smile faded quickly.

"I didn't have a choice." He stopped again. He knew he was going to die. But he had to do this.

"A few years ago, Lance injured his...neck. We can't...see that..." He began to feel his own body sqeezing him violently. But he had to continue. "That his dragon form...Ah!" He shouted, as another wave of pain hit him. He resisted. He had to. He knew he was dying. He didn't have much time.

"It's his weak point...Valkyon you have to...become a dragon...for the...AHH!" He screamed again, as another, more violent wave rushed through him again. He knew that he didn't have time, anymore. Only in a matter of seconds, he would suffer a fast, yet violent and painful death. He could only form a few words, as he looked into his lover's eyes, with affection. With the last strength he had.

"I...I love you." He forced a quick smile, then fell to the ground. He laid there with pain, suffering. The lover stood paralyzed, while others rushed to his side. It was too late. He took his last breath, as his true form was revealed.

A black feather flew across the sky that day.

But this time, it was caught. The last remains of the daemon, who proved that they were not born evil. That they love, and do as much good as bad. The last piece of him found his lover. It caused her to cry. Tears ran down her face. She knew that her love was dead. She knew that he died for her. Her soft tears fell on her trembling hand, on the feather. It was warm. As she opened her hand, she saw a white feather in her hands.

He was free, from his burden.

A few years later, war was over. Peace came back. On the third day of winter, there was heavy snow... A person tried to fight himself throught it, he, alone, against the strong wind. He was slow, but he kept moving, and moving. He looked up at the sky often. It gave him hope. The wind was holding him back. He considered turning back. Yet, he didn't, he was stronger. He had to be strong, for his loved ones. He became a better version of himself. So he walked, and walked, forward, never giving up. He was freezing, but that didn't stop him either. He kept moving. He had a long journey before himself. He smiled. Soon, he will get there. And he was right. In a matter of hours, he arrived to the headquarters. The snow was falling softly, it was peaceful.

And then, he saw the child. A child, who reminded him of someone. The child was surprised, his little wings brushed the snowy ground, as he stopped, noticing the stranger. Who knew exactly what this child was. He was an aengel, too. He knew who he was. He kneeled down besides the child.

"Hi, little one. There's no need to be afraid. My name is Leiftan." The little one's eyes brightened up. He smiled. Leiftan smiled back.

"I know." Said the child playfully, laying against Leiftan's chest.

And a white feather flew across the sky that day.

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