Chapter One

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People say I live a charmed life. To an outsider looking in I guess it was true. I had daddy's money, an expensive car, an absolutely perfect boyfriend that dotes on me, and the position of "Queen Bee" at school. They called me the Golden Girl of the school. I was loved by teachers and friends alike. I was, they said, the luckiest and happiest girl in the world.

I wasn't. In truth if I allowed anyone to get close enough to get to know me they would see I was the loneliest and most unhappy girl in the world. No one notices though. Like a star it's all an act, an image I am forced to portray because it makes my life a little easier. The outsiders only saw what I wanted them to see because they would not be able to handle the truth, what happens behind closed doors.

It was now Friday. Normal people my age are thrilled that the weekend has finally arrived. They are free from the weekly shackles of tests, quizzes, homework, and boring lectures. They could cut loose, let their hair down and party to their hearts content or their stomachs content depending on how much alcohol and drugs they ingest over the weekend. Not me. I looked forward to Monday's because it was the start of a new week, a weeks worth of avoiding my own home or several hours a day. It was also new beginnings. New beginnings meant there were possibilities and that meant I had options, options were something I truly didn't have, but I could still hope.

This week, though, seemed as if it would be the same as all the other weeks that had passed me by. I had just gotten to school and already I was exhausted, something that was completely out of character for me. I loved school, anyone that was close to me could tell. I loved learning about new things and challenging myself to excel in life because in the end no one would be able to change my world but myself.

I was trying my best to ignore the constant chatter of my best friend as I put my code into the little metal lock that secured my locker door. Thankfully the others from my "inner circle" or clique, as you would call them, weren't here just yet. I didn't think I would be able to survive multiple people's opinions on the subject of my love life. I could hardly stand Bonnie's opinion.

I opened my locker to gather the books I would need for my first few classes and groaned. Just when I thought my life couldn't get any worse, it did. In the mirror hanging on my locker door, I looked like death chewed me up and spit me back out, and I felt like it too. My violet eyes, had dark circles under them while my skin was pale, very pale. I had already spent the night coughing my lungs up, and when I woke up this morning there was a weird red mark on my wrist that burned. I hated to ask, but seriously what could possibly be next?

"Chloe, are you even listening to me?" Bonnie asked in irritation, as she flipped her blond hair over her shoulder, when she realized I wasn't as engrossed in her conversation as I should have been. I knew she was truly irritated by her huff of breath she blew out.

"Yes." I lied through ragged breaths and clenched teeth. I felt horrible. I must be catching the flu or something. Bonnie didn't seem to notice at all. She kept on rambling and ranting at me and for the moment I let her.

"So, Jace is going to ask you to the dance today." She informed me. I rolled my eyes. I have heard her say this many times for the past several days. "You have to say yes!"

I sighed for the tenth time since I walked into the school building with her. Jace was my soon to be ex-boyfriend. He was on the football team and liked to play the field in more ways than one, he also had anger problems-problems often taken out on me. "No I don't."

"Seriously Chloe, why won't you go to the dance with him? He is your boyfriend after all." She spoke in a tone that said it was an obvious fact and I wasn't able to refuse. Little did she know, I was going to burst her little bubble.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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