I was sitting in class when my phone suddenly started to go off. The professor didn't even stop but about 70% of the students in the class shifted their gaze towards me. A sudden serge of anxiety runs through me as I get my phone out of my bag. The messages and the stares are a little much for me but I'll just have to walk it off after classes.I knew exactly what the messages were even before opening my phone. All they were was a abundant amount of spam messages all saying the exact same thing...
'It would be so much better if you were dead!🤣'
But that's all they were.. just spam messages saying the exact same thing over and over and over.. every day every hour. Nothing else.
I set my phone in the under part of my desk after silencing it. Taking a few moments to take a couple deep breaths I soon get right back to the lecture. Completely forgetting about my phone and the messages.
After the lecture was done I immediately left. When I got off campus I went to grab my phone so I could play music while I go for my after class run. But I soon realized ha ha I forgot my fucking phone.😒. Because I need my phone in case my doctor calls I need to go back and get my phone...😭
So I give out a frustrated sigh and head back towards the collage. I didn't go very far seeing as I only went a block or two off campus to where the coffee shop my parents own is located. It's a cute little place where it's almost always quiet. It also helps that I live upstairs but yeah. After classes I always group my stuff off change my clothes if needed than head out for a run. How long the run is always depends on how my day goes.
After I make it back to the collage I go back to where my last lecture was held. Upon entering the room I'm relieved to see only three people were left inside the room. I quickly walk up to my desk and search for my phone after not finding it straighten back up a little confused.. 'did someone steal it..?'
Can I Just Have One Break? PLEASE?!
RomanceBailey really just wants to be left alone man. Ace doesn't seem to get this. And apparently neither does Felix...