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It was a cold and icy day. Wind blowing harshly against pale skin, and hair whipping around like a storm. Ice appearing instantly on anything unfortunate enough to hold water. This was her environment, her home.
A small tornado of lightning and snow whirls up behind her and rushes away to swallow up all in its path.
It grows up to the size of a mountain before calming, and going back to its original tiny stage.
Thunder booms in the distance, crackles and flashes of light shimmering in the distance.
Dark skies rumble and expand, eating away hungrily at the clear, blue canvas.
Closing her eyes, the figure takes it all in. The pouring rain, pattering hail and lingering electricity.
It was wonderful.
That is, until a certain someone appeared to stop the chaos.
"Just couldn't wait to ruin my day, huh?"
She collected lightning from the cloudy sky, before aiming it at the other figure.
"The officials want their national park back."
The other person rolled to the side, dodging it with ease.
"Oh, that's too bad."
She gathered another batch of fresh crackling light, and attempts to send it at the other figure again.
"Yeah, you want to know what else is bad?"
"Tell me."
The other person jumped as the strike landed on the spot that they stood on moments before.
"That you couldn't keep in your cell while I was working. My co-workers are starting to get suspicious."
"Oh, what a pity."
The girl put her hands together and conducted a ball of energy, then shot it at the other.
"Sure don't seem like you pity me."
"Cause I don't."
The other figure put out her hand and absorbed the electricity.
"Well, nice talk, but I'm going to have to arrest you again."
An expression of mischief flickered across the female's face.
"So soon? Wow, you must be afraid of me roasting you."
"Roast me? I don't recall you having the power of fire."
The girl stood in silence as the other person created their own orb of glitching energy.
" That's cold."
The glitching person shot their glowing beam, hitting their target.
"Says you, Ice Queen."
She goes flying into a tree, and gets knocked out immediately.
The stranger walks over to her, then hovers a hand over her forehead.
"I wish that it didn't have to be like this,"
The girl flickers and disappears in a swirl of colours,

This is a story about a girl.
Life was like glass, clear and easy to see through. Days would pass by endlessly, like a never-ending timeline repeating over and over again. It was so easy to determine what everyone, and everything else was going to do. So easy in fact, that she could tell the future without a single doubt.
But of course, all good things come to an end.
Before, she didn't notice the transparent walls closing in around her.
The once crystal-like glass is now foggy, and it is not as easy to see through said glass. The things that once were, are changing, and the world is falling like multiple dominos stacked against one another.
And now she sees the translucent cage coming towards her, but she was too late. There is nothing that she can do to stop the incoming trap.
Even though she saw the escape overhead, all she could do was press up against the glass and hope for someone, anyone to come pull her out.
How did it come to be like this? Well, let me tell you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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