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Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Ugh! Later." I annoyingly said while I turn of my alarm and came back to sleep.

Few minutes later~

"Auntie! Wake up, wake up! Today is my field trip day." Denielle said waking me up excitedly.

I immediately stood up knowing that I forgot it is my niece's Field trip day and I am the one who is gonna be her guardian, because her mom Alice is out for her important work with the company she's working.

I am Denielle's favorite aunt, so thaty why she chose me to be her guardian for her educational trip. I wonder what's the attitude of her friends' guardian, I hope this day will be a good day for me to start wi

Denielle giggled when she saw me rushing through my bathroom to take a bath. I took a peek and ask her...

"What's wrong?" I confusedly asked. "Nothing eonnie. But I am just going remind you that it's still 4 am and my bus will be departing on the time of 5am" She continuedly laughing. "Aisst! It is still a rush hour so get down and I will be there in 15, okay?" She nodded.

After I finished up the things I need to do, I immediately went downstairs to call Denielle that it is time to go to her school for the bus we'll ride.

She kissed her mom's cheeks and bid her goodbye.

"Take care of her, okay?" My sister worriedly said. "Yes, of course! Bye!" I did my goodbye too and went to Denielle who's waiting for me.

The students and guardians are sitting on the bench waiting for the tour guide to call their names signalling them it's time to take their seats.

Then I looked at my niece who is like frustrated over a thing.

"Hey Elle. You look like frustrated or something. What's going on?" I asked her. "I am waiting for my bestfriend Denielle! It's now quarter to 5, yet she's still not here!" She said at the urge of crying.

I laughed at her cuteness while being worried.

"Yah! Uncle Chim, why are you laughing at me?" "Well, because you a-." I didn't finished my sentence when I heard her shouting her bff's name.

I looked up to her bestfriend and I saw that her guardian is a girl. The bffs hugged each other immediately. Aww.

"Uncle Jimin! This is my bestfriend and her name is Kim Denielle." The cute little girl bowed at me. "And this is her aunt, her name is Park Chaeyoung but Denielle and I mostly call her her english name Roseanne or Rosé for short. We have the same surnames huh?" She finished her statement.

"Hello, nice to meet you uh Ji- jim-" "Jimin." I smiled at her and she smile at me back.

"Well, nice to meet you too Ro- sé." She then smiled at me again.

Oh gosh! Why did we stutter?! Her face is so gorgeous, same as her voice. I wonder how her attitude is.

"You two look good together, hehe." We heard the two girls squealed insync.

"Jinks!" Elle laughed. "Oopsies" Denielle joking said.

"Hey, stop you two!" We both said in chorus too. Shit.

"OKAY! Jinks to the both of you." Denielle loudly said. "So if you two will talk, starting when we go in the bus within five minutes. We will both give you two a consequence." Elle stated.

We looked at each other and forced a smile. (w/ rosé)

Oh no. Just, oh no. Hope this day will still be a good day.


How is it guys? Hope it's good for the readers. Please don't hesitate to ask me your questions. Because that will also help you all from understanding the mistakes.

Thank you! Please stay tuned for this book! Bye!From now on, I will call y'all 'Jellies'.

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