Jeepney Views

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I'm seated in the middle of crowded people inside a jeepney. A man sat there beside me. He was around his mid-fourties, wearing sun glasses and a dark suit that looks like the ones in the show, "Men In Black". I looked outside the jeepney, and it was blazing hot. Besides the hot weather, people are crowded inside, which makes it even hotter.

I looked at him and thought, 'Why is he wearing such clothing? It's hot, you know?!' 

Then I noticed that he wasn't even sweating, unlike most passengers.


I took a look outside as the jeepney moved slowly because of the traffic. My eyes wandered through the streets, and then....there was this old woman that caught my eye. She had short white hair, very wrinkled face, she's wearing a dirty yellow dress, and she's carrying a sack filled with things that I don't even wanna know.

"Don't touch that! You might burn yourself!" she shouted out of nowhere, looking at no one. I got intrigued, and since the jeepney is moving slowly, I decided to observe her.

"I told you not to touch that! See?! You burned your arm!" she shouted, now getting angry. Passerbys looked at her like she was some crazy old woman. Some even walked faster just passing by her, as if she was some dangerous person.

"Here. Ice. You might want to put this on your burn for first aid," she said calmly, reaching out her hands as if really holding an ice bag. Where in reality, she's not holding any, and she isn't even talking to anyone!

'What??' I said to myself, really getting confused. 'So she's really some crazy person after all...'

"See? Does it feel better now?" she said softly, as if she was taking care of someone who really got burned.

The jeepney sped up and the woman got smaller and smaller, until she disappeared from my view.

I sighed. 'Even though she's crazy...even though people look at her that way...I can tell she used to be caring, judging by the way she acted a while ago.'

The red light turned on. The jeepney stopped near a waiting shed. My eyes looked at each person standing there.

Suddenly, there was this old man (he's really old looking) who went in front of a group of ladies. He suddenly raised both of his arms and shouted, "HEY!" which freaked most of the people in the waiting shed.

Not only that. When he put his arms down, he suddenly danced the way Mr. Bean does in the movies, but with much more exaggerated movements. People in the waiting shed soon moved away from him, until one person was left. That person looked like he was a teenaged boy, and he gave money to the old man. Then he took a taxi.

Green light turned on. The jeepney slowly sped away.

I saw the old man sat in the waiting shed and lie down. I guess that's what his objective was.

"STOP!" the man beside me shouted, and the jeepney stopped. He took hold of my wrist and guided me down.

"What are we going to ride next?" I asked as soon as the jeepney left.

"Jeepney," he answered coldly. Then he waved his hand at a jeepney getting near us, indicating that we're going to ride that one. The jeepney stopped and waited for us to enter. This one wasn't really crowded. In fact, it had only three people inside, plus us.

This time, I sat at the back of the driver and the man with sun glasses sat beside me again. He reached out his hand to the driver and paid our fare.

I looked around the jeepney. I saw one small boy in the middle of a middle aged woman and man, playing with his superman action figure. He almost fell when the jeepney stopped. Good thing the man beside him catched him before he really falls. Then he laughed and played with his action figure again. The woman beside him rubbed his belly and he giggled ang laughed. After that, the woman took the boy and let him sit on her lap.

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