08 || 𝐌𝐀𝐘𝐇𝐄𝐌

531 25 6

Trigger Warning: Mentions of vomit


Y/n ran throughout the city, avoiding as many people and vehicles as possible. If the sun was still up in the sky, she would be protruding like a sore thumb. Next, she hid in a nearby alley for a moment to catch her breath. She brought her four-digit hand to her collarbone, feeling the necklace around her neck. It's still there. She felt closer to her mutant, who she was dying to see, just by touching the material of the piece of jewelry. But even in the midst of this lunacy, her alterations caused her to feel rejected by Donnie already.

She knows deep down that he might be the only one who could help her with this. Y/n couldn't stop asking herself questions about whether the mutants in the lair would accept her new identity. She finds it hard to accept herself! Are they able to help her?

The answer could be anything right now. The first objective she needed to complete was to get to the lair unharmed.


After hearing about the sudden news of the murder, it was unfortunate that Y/n's aunt and uncle were the victims. The Brothers raced to where Y/n lived and immediately saw the NYPD, News Stations, witnesses, and other bystanders surrounding the complex. As the red and blue lights flashed off the mutants' faces, they were in disbelief.

Don let out a deep sigh, slumping over his knees as he crouched to the roof floor he and his brothers stood on. "They're gone." He said softly, unsure who could have done this.

"Who could have done this?" Mikey asked, placing his hands on top of his head.

Raphael didn't have an answer. "This is awful." He groaned, turning away from the scene. He felt for Y/n because she is his friend, but the Brothers knew of her past before they met her.

Leonardo lowered his head, paying his respects to the deaths of Y/n's relatives. First, she had lost her parents in a terrible automobile accident and now she lost these two. The only question that sparked his interest was, "Where's Y/n?"

Donatello blinked out of his disbelief for a brief moment. He pulled up his holograms in front of his face and searched for Y/n's location. Quickly, he skimmed the digital version of the city, honing in on her whereabouts that are imedded in that locket he gave her for her birthday. Within a matter of seconds, he found her location just blocks away from the TCRI building... this alarmed him. Why is she that close to the lab? It must be a crazy coincidence. "I got her. She's heading in the lair's direction."

"On the move!" Leo called to Mikey and Raph, signaling it was time to head back home. 


The natural exhilaration wore off the closer she went to the lair. She's starting to experience the effects of the mutation, and the main one for her is severe nausea. This took a tremendous toll on her body, turning her from a human to a mutant and generating an uncomfortable, never-ending wave of illness. The mutant lizard had reached the main alley where the closest manhole in the lair was located. She rammed her back against the brick building wall, clutching her stomach and feeling the acidic and hot fluid make its way up her throat.

She spat up whatever food remained after she decisively gagged on her body fluids. Eventually, she dry heaved for about ten seconds until she stood straight up and felt her lizard tail wave behind her naturally.

A tail. Most mindful people's dream... But this isn't how anyone would want it. She thought.

Y/n was about to approach the manhole to enter the sewers as a mutant for the first time. It's safe to say she made a milestone for herself when she attempted to lift the cover. It was like she truthfully belonged there now that she's...this.

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