Confession 🙏

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On a faithful sunday, you step into the local church, ready for praying. This is something you do every week, and have done for as long as you can remember. But deep inside, you are trying to face the fact god is not the only reason you come here. There's this priest that you have had a massive crush on for years. His name is Enrico Pucci. He has acknowledged you, but he doesn't feel anything for you, even if you wish he did. Your footsteps echo along the hall. You start to slow down when you notice the priest. Your heart beats fast. You gulp anxiously, deciding it's finally time to make a move. You can not live hiding your undying love anymore. It started consuming you and never went away. You approach him, trying to appear as confident as possible. You clear your throat. 

"Father Pucci, I must confess, you are looking rather thicc today."

He turns towards you, still processing your odd statement.

Confused, he says "Y/N, are you feeling ok?"

although you're embarrassed, you feel pleased that he responded. Trying to maintain your composure, you follow up with "I'd tap that...". Your breathing begins to get heavier and sweat rolls off your forehead. He stares at you, not in disgust, but in complete awe. You fiddle your hands and look elsewhere. You're just fucking it up now. Suddenly, something in your mind clicks. He hasn't backed away yet, that must mean something! You return your sight to his beautiful, confused face, ready to go on. You breathe in and open your mouth once again. Oh no. "For a priest, you look very fuckable" you exclaim loudly, no though given. As his confusion worsens, you reach your arm to pull him closer. 

With no warning, he pushes you away. You can feel his rage building up.

"I can not allow such blasphemy, Y/N! God would never approve of this!" 

Before you can say anything worse, something stops you. Out of nowhere dubstep Ave Maria starts blasting, to the point you can feel your ears starting to bleed. If it wasn't for the pain you'd be dancing to these sick beats. As you're trying to comprehend the situation, you notice that something is off. Your gaze at the floor, you see your blood dripping faster and faster. It seems to not only be your blood. Everything is speeding up to an unbearable point. However, as you look up you see that Pucci is moving at normal speed. 

You get on your knees, begging for this horrible phenomenon to stop. 

You hear the words "In the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost!" and everything begins fading to black.

"Hey you, you're finally awake"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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