7 // Friends & Foes

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* I think that was all of the Flashback chapters I needed to make, so they will get more longer now :) *

It was just like any other day for Michael and I, we got up, went to the lunch room for breakfast, played some of the amateur board games they set out for us with our friend Ashton, and then got ready for the tests.

"Come on Leah, your move" Ashton encourages me, and I roll my eyes feeling stupid. Ashton does too he just tries to be positive about being stuck here for who knows how long.

I moved my piece on the Candy Land board game, then leaned back in my seat crossing my arms over my chest.

It was Michael's turn now, he was sitting next to me lazily using his arm to prop his head up.

"Go you idiot" i tell him bluntly, and Ashton watches him patiently.

Yes Ashton can see him, he can see any spirits or demons, shit like that. That's why he's here, most people get sent here because they are a danger, but Ashton is so far from dangerous. His parents just dropped him off a little after I arrived. I guess they couldn't take his gift.

"You guys finish the game, I'm taking a break" I stand up and walk out side where my friend Chrissy always hangs out. She's fucking crazy, but somehow we get along.

"Hey" I greet her in a mumbled voice, that's how I always talk now. She doesn't reply just pulls out her pack and I get out one of the cigarettes. I pull myself on the cool thick branch that hung just above the ground, and sat next to her lighting the cigarette with my hidden lighter.

"How's your day been weirdo?" She asks me as smoke travels out of her lungs. I shrug placing the white cigarette in between my lips, and inhaling.

"The usual. What about you freak?" I ask, "same, still trying to find a way out."

Michael walks out of the building and joins us, that's usually a sign that the invisible chord was hurting him to much. The branch sinks a bit as he sits in between us.

"Morning Michael" she can't see him, but hear him. She probably went insane from all the voices that are constantly playing in her head.

"Morning Chris" he replies, and his cheeks get pink as he smiles at her. Its cute, he has the biggest crush on her. It's also sad though, because it would never work, the only thing they would be able to do is talk.

The intercom turns on calling for Michael and I by our cell #, and I hop of the branch.

"Thanks for the smoke" I thank Chris, and she nods completely oblivious of Michael staring at her.

"Come on Mike" I say, and he looks away embarrassed.

We walk through the lunch room where everyone is socializing, except for Ashton. We're his only friends.

This place is kind of like school, with the cliques and everything, but it's more like Hogwarts with all the paranormal shit.

Miss Kathrine calls on the intercom again, threatening to send someone for me, and ordering me to take the cigarette heaven out of my mouth. I roll my eyes, letting smoke travel in my lungs from the almost finished cigarette, then out my pierced nose. I drop and stomp on it with my shoe.

She's so fucking dumb
I say to Michael

I know, when are you going to let me kill her?
He asks half serious

I open the door to the room she called us to go to, and walk in. A man greets me with a smile, not that he's happy to see me, just happy to test me. Michael and I are one of the most powerful people here.

When he leads me into the isolated room with just a table and cards, Michael and I immediately get excited. These have to be the funnest, because we get to fuck with people's minds.

The doctor puts a weird hat looking thing on my head, and leaves then we begin.

I've learned a couple things while I was here, and switching to Michael's vision is one of them.

I close my eyes and focus on Michael, then met with his vision.

He looks back at me, then goes through the wall and into the next room. A middle aged woman sits at a table identical to mine, she picks a card with a triangle on it, but I don't bother telling the doctor.

Michael playfully hits the woman's pony tail making it sway back and fourth. She gets tense, and Michael and I giggle.

"Leah, this is a serious test, no playing around" the doctor says in a demanding tone, as if we'd listen to him.

Ok what should I do next?
He asks

Hmm... Scoot her seat back
I suggest giggling

He scoots her chair back, and she gasps standing up.

Michael and I mess with her a little more, and then she breaks screaming.

"Jenny, please remain calm" He said probably hating he both of us right now.

We're a laughing mess

"Oh come on Doc, we're just having fun"


"Do you know how much we had to pay her not to tell about this place!? Now add an extra 1,000 to that!" Miss Katherine exclaims obviously getting fed up with our games. I looked at the old woman with no fucking care, and put a white cigarette in my lips casually lighting it. She looked at me in disbelief.

"How did you get that?" she asks, and I exhale the smoke sending it to the sealing.

"I didn't know you smoked Miss Katherine, shocking. Wait isn't it your daughter who has the cancer? or was that the janitor you've been fucking?? I can't remember sorry"

She sits back in her seat defeated, and I smirk.

"I remember when you first came here, a sweet little 15 year old girl, but now you're a cold hearted bit-"

"Bitch? Oh look, we're twins!" I say sarcastically, and Michael who has been holding in his laugh starts cracking up, and I join him. She rubs the bridge of her nose stressed, "Get out" she demands.

"Gladly" I say, then Michael and i exit her office.

* Leah is being such a bitch omg, but Miss Katherine has been a bitch to here for most of her life, so I guess she's just getting a taste of her own medicine. >:3 *

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