The beginning

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"So, he will never be able to speak again?"She asked. "No, I'm sorry ma'am" He sighed. "As his mother I just want to find a way for him to speak." She cried. "I'm sorry ma'am but we have done x-rays and multiple tests on his throat, there is nothing we are able to do about it." He informed her. She sobbed holding her sons hand. "However that's not the worse part, the cancer had infected a part of his brain where his quirk activates. He will never be able to use his quirk again." He informed with a sad look in his eyes. The young boy held a solemn look in his eye as his worse nightmares came true. But that was all 5 years ago.

Izuku Midoriya was walking to his favorite place, UA. Where he was learning how to be a hero. After he lost his quirk, Almight took it back but still trained the young male everything he could do. Izuku entered UA and walked to his classroom, 1-A. Everyone greeted the curly haired boy as he waved back. Not being able to speak to other people sucked, but wasn't the worse he had faced. He sat his stuff down and went to talk to Ochaco and Iida, who had to learn sign language to talk to him. "Hello Izuku how was your morning?" Iida asked Izuku. Izuku nodded and signed to him, "today has been great so far, how about you two?" "My day has been good at this point!" Ochaco smiled. Izuku smiled before heading back to his seat and pulling out his notebooks to take notes in. With of course and obnoxious ashy blonde kid behind him.

It was lunch time and the trio went to sit outside as they ate lunch. Izuku had a big secret to tell them and was scared that they would hate him, and after finding this out, it could ruin his reputation at UA. Izuku stood up in front of them with his face as red as a tomato. "Izuku is something wrong?" Iida asked. He signed to them with very shaky hands, "I have a very important thing to tell you guys. Will you love me no matter what?" "Izuku we will. Nothing will ever tear us apart. Now go ahead and tell us what your important thing is." Iida reassured him. "I'm gay, and I have a crush on Bakugo" he signed. He felt tears start to form but disappear as his friends embraced him in a tight loving hug.

*Ochaco's POV*
He's gay?! What the hell. That is a sin and is so disgusting. What is wrong with him and he even likes Bakugo! Who I like and will have. I'll just play pretend and play this like a game. And Bakugo is the prize...

*No ones POV*

Class went by fast and before Izuku noticed, it was already time to leave UA. He picked his stuff up and put it in his bag. He walked over to Ochaco and Iida to say goodbye. "Before you leave, Bakugo told me to tell you to meet him behind the school. I'm not sure what for. By have a good night Izuku !" Ochaco smiled as her and Iida walked away. Izuku nodded and made his way to the back of the school. He looked around for Bakugo but couldn't find him, that was until he heard in a smirky tone, "Hey shitty nerd."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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