Chapter 4

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"King ole monkey ass called a meeting," Marcus thought to himself. Marcus was lowkey ready for the meeting because if those little niggas think they are getting away or even try something the trigger finger is not responsible for what happens. If you end up dead and in a body bag, not Marcus fault.  

Marcus and King walked into the room and everybody was either standing or sitting down. Some of these little boys tried to act hard, but they knew deep down in their hearts that they do not belong at the trap. Some are straight A students or star players or little suburbs/silver-spoon brats that just won't seem hard and fit in with these rugrats called kids. People think just because you have a gun in your hand that you have power. Now take that gun away, just scared little boys trying to survive in this world that is hiding behind a piece of metal.

King and Marcus are very observant and took to their surroundings. That's why they don't hire people just like that. They want to see the boys in their environment. Some are snakes in the grass, but everybody was once innocent. Then again, in the bible, there were wolves in sheep clothing, so you will never know. 

Back at the meeting King and Marcus were chewing the boys up. "Y'all little niggas has been slacking off. On top of that y'all are being mega disrespectful. Acting like y'all own the place this yours or your mama place. We are getting tired of this shit. If we cut your pay then y'all want to get mad. Realize who cut the checks around here and who actually need the money. Now we advise you to get your shit together and together now before we have to help you get it together. Is that clear, " King ranted.

Everybody in the room said yes sir, which made Marcus feel good about himself, but King always has to run everything. King going to say, "Now y'all niggas know better. You address me as sir and Marcus as ma'am. Get y'all shit together." The looks that Marcus was giving King, could have killed him five times.

King had something on his chest and he had to get it off. "Secondly, somebody in this room has been taking my money and product. This is your chance to confess what you have done because if I have to wait for an answer, somebody will be going home in a body bag."

Nobody decided to say anything. A pin drop could be heard through the room. To help the boys answer, Marcus decided to help them out. He pulled out his Smith and Westley and fired two shots into the air.

"Now I bet that got y'all's attention. Do we have to repeat ourselves? I don't take to kindly to disrespect and we have had with the shit. Now answer the fucking question. I advise you to think about your life while you at it because somebody's life is about to be taken. I don't have patience and I don't give two flying fucks about anybody's feelings when it comes to my money. I don't place about my money," Marcus yelled at the top of his lungs.

Out of nowhere a boy named Ty'Rone came forward. Ty'Rone nervousy said, "I-I-I am the one that did it." 

King examined the little before saying, "I want Ty'Rone to stay and I want everybody else back to work making my money. You are dismissed." Looking back at Ty'Rone King asked, "Now why the fuck did you steal from me young blood."

Marcus jumped in out of nowhere, "Fuck that, the question is why shouldn't we murk your ass." The fear was written all over that boys face. If they only knew what was going on his life. Ty'Rone didn't choose this path, he was forced into it and now he has to suffer the consequences. Ty'Ron responded with a soft, "I d-d-do not know s-s-sir."

"Nah son, you wasn't all nervous and soft when you decided to be bold and steal my money. Now I want you to talk like a fucking man with some bass in your voice. Try it again," King said as he slowly became pissed off.

"Sir I needed the money. I am trying to provide for my daughter and now my son. The children's mother left them on the doorstep with a note saying she wasn't ready to a mother yet. Talking needing to live her life. She knew I couldn't stop her that's why she dropped the babies off in the middle of the night. Right now she is living her life care-free in Paris. Now I will admit I did steal some money so I can take care of my kids, but I didn't steal your product. I am not that desperate for money. Being a sophomore in high school it is hard taking care of myself, let alone two kids on top of that with no help. I am truely sorry sir," Ty'Rone said breaking down. Not caring who was around to see him weak and vulnerable.

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