Who are you ?

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Clementines POV;

I stared at my ceiling while listening to music for about 2 hours. It's 11:06pm right now, and I couldn't sleep AT ALL, my mother was out partying probably at the club getting drunk and shit. Ever since my dad passed away.. it's been hard for the both of us, my mom blames me for his death but I try to just ignore her.
I reach for my phone from underneath my pillow and start scrolling through social media too kill some time. After about what I'd say 4 minutes I hear a door slam open from downstairs, I already knew it was my mom coming in drunk. I was about to continue scrolling through social media, just when my mom screamed and demanded me too come downstairs. I sighed nervously while shutting my phone off and heading downstairs, While coming downstairs I reply with.

"Yes M-mother ?"

I said it with such fear in my throat, who knows what this lady was about to do to me. I noticed her having a bottle of beer in her hand, then she slowly turned around and looked up at me.

" Come here, stand in front of me" my mom replied.
I did what she said and stood in front of her, when I looked up at her she smelled like alcohol, her eyes looked high as ever and her face experience was scary. When she stared at me for about 2 minutes, she raised her hand in the air and slapped me across the face, which led me to falling on the ground, when she slapped me my cheek hurt like a bitch! I put my left hand on my cheek and looked up at my mom. She was pissed, her eyes said it all, but I didn't know why. She finally spoke and said.

"Get out" my mother said.

My eyes widen as she said that.

"W-what?" I asked.

"GET OUT"!  She screamed.

There were fear in my eyes, and also tears. I was gonna ask why but.. I was so scared. So I did what she asked, I ran upstairs and started packing my things. To be honest.. I was actually pissed off! I didn't really wanna be in this house anymore I'd rather live on the streets, she'd always abuse me and blame me for dads death, well I'm done. As I was done packing my eyes were soon dry tears, I picked up my suitcase and walked out of my bedroom door. When coming down the steps I saw my mother sitting on the couch with both her hands covering her ears, when she looked up she saw me about to leave the house.

" WAIT! Clementine.. I'm so sorry. I was drunk, and I-"

I cut her off with saying.

"Fuck you, I never loved you anyway.. I'm outta here and done with your bullshit. If only dad were here.. he'd slap you silly.."

I said that with such confidence, I put on my shoes opened the front door and left the house.
I took my phone out of my pocket and checked the time, It was 12:51pm about too be 1:00 in the morning. I didn't know where to go now but I just said too myself to keep moving forward, I was all alone now.. I had to get use to it.
1 hour later
My legs felt like a zombie, they were numb and so tried. I decided I needed a break, I looked over to my right and saw what seemed like an alleyway. I risked the chance and went over to it, when I got there it was an alleyway. I made a decision and decided too sleep here for the night. I had my phone to keep track off time so I was ok. I put my suitcase to lean against the wall, while I was gonna sleep leaned against the wall also. I closed my eyes and started to dream.

In Morning

When I woke up, it felt.. comfortable? Like I was in a bed or something. When I opened my eyes, I was staring at a ceiling. I was so lost & confused was I just dreaming this whole time?
I took a glance over to my right, and there was a guy my age who had freckles and dreads, and he was very tall. By the looks of it he was asleep on the chair he was sitting on. While I was still looking at the freckled boy, I couldn't lie. He was kinda cute.. I wasn't thinking straight at the time so I didn't care.
When I was zoned out for what seemed like forever I heard a chuckle come out of his mouth.

"Enjoying the view..?"

The freckles boy said whole opening one eye. I looked away and started to speak.

"Who are you.. and what do you want with me"
I said.

Sorry for the shortest chapter. Ik this really sucked, but I'll do better in the next one ;) stay toned luvs 💕
- uR lovely Narrator Michele ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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