I want to kill something because my father has started to turn off the Wi-Fi at 10 now and the brand new phone he got me has a thing that turn it off at 9:45 I can not do anything and I do not sleep well he thinks it's because I messed up my sleeping schedule so no doctor it fills me with rage I have got away with staying up on a device for a year of two and now he stops me it's not my fault I can't sleep till 3 my body can go through 6th grade fine with 3 hours of sleep ughhh I can't stand this I was texting my friend kihya and looking at haikyuu then my phone turned off so I got on my tv and started to watch haikyuu then the Wi-Fi turned off its like he does not care all I want to do is chill and tomorrow is Sunday so church not a bad day and then Monday then I have the joy of the bitch eilasya or how ever you spell her name ughhh I fucking hate her I sound like a brat don't I. I guess you could say I'm fairly rude and heartless but that all I just want to have a good year that's all but nooo people "like" me because I'm smart that's all they would from me and this is why I have trust issues because love to use me Ashley got called on in class and did not know the answer just looked and pointed in my direction and said "LUCI!!" ughh why are people in this grade so stupid I rages me then I do drama(a play) I have I character that's in one scene ONE why academic team is over sadly we were just crazy it was fun and made me happy☺ there is band witch is fun playing trumpet but it's not very challenging so I can do that easily it's boring but eventful but not in a good way I guess I will stop for today and read what's in my library night. -Kristan Robertson
362 words
February 10th 9:30-12