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(A/N: Alright guys, this is an AU where Kenma doesn't play for the Nekoma volleyball team, and he never met Kuroo, so he buries himself in his games, playing volleyball as a side thing in a community leauge, just on the side. The only reason he knows Lev is because they met one day on their walks to school.)


Oh my gosh! This guy is really good! I can't seem to pierce through his defenses! I started to doubt that I could even get close to the guy when I died again. I decided to message this dude, maybe get some tips.

-Ace5-: Hey hey hey! You're really good at this! You got any tips for a noob like me?

_KatNap_: The button to shoot is A.

-Ace5-: I know that, but I noticed you seem to be playing really well. What's your secret?

_KatNap_: I don't have one, sorry. I just play a lot.

-Ace5-: Oh ok. You seem nice. Do you play any oyher games?

_KatNap_: Just a bunch of MMO RPGs and FPSs.

-Ace5-: Do you play Fights of Factions?

_KatNap_: Yeah, why?

-Ace5-: Fight me on there! Let's see who's better at that game!

One FoF fight later, _KatNap_ had beat me at my favorite game. It was kinda disappointing. We went back to the game we met in and he beat me some more until my mom called me down for lunch.


I played for an hour before my dad called me to go to his friend's house. For an hour, I played against some guy called _KittyLitter_ or something. He was really good at the game and eventually I DMed him and challenged him to a one on one. He accepted and we played 5 games. I lost all of them.

>Shiro<: How often do you play this game?

_KittyLitter_: At least an hour a day, why?

>Shiro<: Wow.... do you have a life?

_KittyLitter_: No.

>Shiro <: Do you have friends?

_KittyLitter_: A few. From school.

Then my dad called me so I had to go.

>Shiro<: Oh I need to go. Later, _KittyLitter_.


I swear, I think this game hates me. This COM is definitely not on easy mode, which the tourney organizer set them to, by the way.

I clicked on the COM eventually and low and behold, IT WAS AN ACTUAL GUY WHO NAMED HIMSELF (Easy) COM! That is the worst kind of person.

×I×: You are the worst kind of person.

(Easy) COM: I'm not trying to mess with anyone, it's a comment on my skill.

×I×: Doesn't seem like it. You are really good at this game.

(Easy) COM: I'm so much better on all my other games.

×I×: You must be really good at those games then.

(Easy) COM: Should I change my name then?

×I×: Yeah. Do something similar to your other names.

_Katma_: This seems fitting.

×I×: Why?

_Katma_: My frirends call me Kitten sometimes, and it's a play off my name.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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