~Hair Growth Tips~

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So if you want to grow your hair, here are some things to do.

1. You want to wash your hair in COLD water, but don't turn your shower so cold it would shock you. Just go a little colder each time you shower.

2. Try to avoid as much heat as possible. Avoid the hair curler and straightener, avoid the blow dryer, just air dry tour hair and your hair will become more healthy.

3. Massage your scalp. This is important because when you massage your scalp, not only does it feel wonderful, it helps your hair growth!

4. Use detox masks for your hair. You can use any hydrating and moisturizing hair mask if you want. As long as the don't have any unhealthy ingredients for your hair or any bad chemicals.

5. Don't sleep with your hair up. You CAN sleep with your hair up if it's loose and not tight. Don't do a high hair pony or a tight braid or a tight bun. You can put your hair up into a loose messy bun or a loose braid to make your hair curly in the morning or a loose hair pony. As long as you don't put it into a tight hairstyle to bed, your scalp would be less tender, and good for your hair.

6. Get a trim every 3-6 months. Depending on your hair, you should get you hair trimmed after a certain time period. Myself personally I have really curly hair but not REALLY curly hair. Just a bit more than wavy. So I get my hair trimmed every 5 months. But it is really up to you. If you don't you can get split ends which stop your hair from growing.

7. Keep your hair moisturized.

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